Meeting Minutes: July 21, 2020

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Meeting Minutes: July 21, 2020


Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph, Tuesday, July 21, 2020,

at 7:30 pm.

Invocation –   The Lord’s Prayer

Pledge of Allegiance

Those present:  Gehle,Young, Pontsler, Now, Heitkamp

Also attending:  Srgt Stetler,  Robbie Peel, Marge Gehle,  Luke Stephenson,

Jessica Yoder

Motion Pontsler.  Second  Heitkamp to accept the agenda as orders of the day.     Young called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Young = y, Gehle = AB, Now = y.  Passed 4 yes.

Motion Heitkamp.       Second Young to accept the minutes from the July 7, 2020 council meeting as presented.  Pontsler called for the question.  Heitkamp = ym Young = y, Pontsler = y. Gehle = ab, Now = y.    Passed 4 yes.

Visitors to Address Council:

No – Visitors wanted to address council.   Steve Gehle stated he wished to address council –    Steve gave thanks for the opportunity to serve on council and that since he has now moved out of town that he is no longer a resident of the Village and therefore no longer qualified to be on council.    He has appreciated working with the public and other council members over the past 12 years.  It’s been a pleasure.    With resigning on council Steve will also be resigning from the WRKD radio station Board of Directors.  He respectfully would nominate Brad Now for that position.   Steve would like to keep the Tree City Committee President position – for that there is no need to be a Village resident.  He would like to nominate Chris as the Council representative on that committee. 

Thank you Steve for your service to the community.   We wish you the best in the future with health and new home. 

Having poor connection with Facebook live — Brad to record and post on the Village page.

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence: 

Mondays at 7:30 pm –

The Mayors Corner Radio Show — Rockford news and updates

Upcoming guest next Monday –  upcoming guest will be Kara Smith to discuss EMS and the need for volunteers.

Community Announcements and events:

July 26 – History Comes Alive series with John Vining has been postponed.

July 30  – Aug 2nd    National Plowing Contest –   

location 5981 SR 707- Mendon

Monday – August 3rd – Bicentennial Committee meeting – 7 pm

Aug 7 – Aug 9   Schoolhouse Farms 1862 – Sunflowers In Bloom Festival

Located at 5486 Ross Rd., Rockford, Ohio 45882

Tuesday – August 11 – Brush pick up

Saturday – September 19th – Barn Quilt Bus Tour – ticket information coming soon.   * Limited seating *

Monday – October 5th deadline to be registered to Vote in the November election.

Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple

Summer help working on and off with the curb painting project.

Veterans Memorial – the memorial monuments have been set.  We will be installing the flags and the electric  – in the next week.

Concrete pouring at Shanes Park for the new playground area continues.  

Sending out more grass / weed violations.

Several properties have been cleaned up with the new property maintenance program — 1 property had not been touched in probably 4 years.    The guys did a really good job — neighbors happy. 

Angel House / Church came down last week –   the property is owned by Mike Maharg.   He will turn the lot into a public parking area which is needed in the downtown area.      We appreciate his willingness to allow off street parking to our businesses.    

We need to look at all off street parking  —-   there seems to be some issues regarding parking on streets right in front of stop signs ??

Community Building — having some major issues recently — air units down and water heater quit working — bear with us as we work to getting these projects fixed.

? by Young —   Bell from the Maharg property ?    Heard that his intentions are getting it restored and bringing back to Rockford.  We will see what happens.

Pontsler —- Anyway to get Jones to trim tree that has limbs overhanging across the sidewalk.??

We do have a fire hydrant covered for no flow — that this time we are not taking out as all the underground infrastructure is OLD — don’t want to disturb and cause other problems.    At some point we will cap off.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee –  Shane Young  

Motion Pontsler.  Second Heitkamp to pay bills as presented $ 1726.34.  Now

called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Now = y, Young = y.  Passed 4 yes.

Motion  Pontsler to accept Mayors Court pay in $617.  Second Heitkamp.  Now called for the question.   Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Now = y, Young = y.  Passed 4 yes.

Budget Commission hearing – August 6th – 10:30 am

(Shane, Brad, Aaron and Lisa to Celina Court house.)

Service Committee:   Greg Pontsler  – nothing

Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp –  nothing

Economic Development Committee:  Brad Now

Shanes Crossing Subdivision – Lots for sale – 20% discount/ build through – December 2021.    Haven’t not received any updates on the subdivision lately.

Lot 11 is officially sold –  working on 2 more sales at this time.

Will need to start talking about lights and mail boxes — good !

Public Utilities Committee:   –  need council member

We are still having water meter issues — once the park project is completed we can get back on working on changing out meters.

Rules Committee:   

Old Business:

New Business:           

Motion  Pontsler – 7:58 to enter into Executive session to discuss wages and personnel.  Second Young.  Heitkamp called for the question.

Motion Heitkamp – 8:31 to come out of Executive session.  Second Young.  Now called for the question.   Heitkamp = y, Young – y, Now = y, Pontsler = y.  Passed 4 yes.

Action –

Motion Pontsler to appoint Luke Stephenson to replace Dr. Means council seat.  Second Young.  Heitkamp called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Young = y, Heitkamp = y, Now = y.  Passed 4 yes.

Motion Heitkamp to appoint Jessica Yoder to replace Steve Gehle council seat.  Second Young.  Now called for the question.  Heitkamp = y, Young = y, Now = y, Pontsler = y.  Passed 4 yes.

Motion Now to approved review and increase of salary in the amount of $2,000  to Aaron Temple effective August 2.   Second Pontsler.  Young called for the question.  Now = y, Pontsler = y, Young = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 4 yes.

Meeting adjourned at 8:39  pm

_________________________                      _________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer.