In the Village of Rockford, the standard of living, community pride and solid work ethic make it especially attractive as a place to live and do business. It offers a quality educational system, and an overall low cost of living.

Did you know? Village of Rockford
- was the first town in the county to have street lights.
- once had a power plant, airport and opera house.
- started a Main Street reconstruction project in 1999.
- installed a new water tower in 2000.
- constructed a new K-12 school building in 2006.
- has over 6,000 vehicles travel through the village each day.
- has an old log home, believed to be the home of founder, Anthony Shane, that is now a historical site.
Village Office
The Village of Rockford
151 East Columbia Street
PO Box 282
Rockford, Ohio 45882
Phone: (419) 363-3032
Fax: (419) 363-2395
Office / Museum Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 4:30 pm
Fridays: 8 am – 3:30 pm
Museum by appointment on Saturdays and Sundays
*subject to change!
Quick Stats
Population: 1,120
Ethnicity: 96.3% White, 2.5% Hispanic or Latino, 0.5% African American, 0.3% Asian, 1.4% Other
Average age: 41.5
Average Household Size: 2.4 people
Median Household Income: $40,600
Median Home Cost: $77,800