Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2013
Membership drive is in full swing for 2014.
2014 Officers:
Lisa Kuhn – Rockford Village – Treasurer
Karen Hollar – Colonial Nursing Center – Secretary
Marie Miller – Brand It Marketing – Vice President
Jane Cozad – The Healing Hand – President
Goals for 2014 included in minutes below:
Chamber called to order by Chamber President Jane Cozad on Thursday December, 2013 at 6:30 pm am at the Rockford Belle.
Dan Henkle gave the blessing and we had an Italian Feast catered by Angie.
Thanks to Tom Rogers for allowing us to use The Belle and Angie for a wonderful meal.
After the meal we discussed some business issues.
We are currently working on our membership drive for 2014.
Goals for 2014:
Working to support our members better.
Working on a print directory of phone number and business details.
Suggested to have all Rockford businesses in the phone listing and only chamber members would have the area with business name and more details.
Asterisk the Chamber members on the phone listing.
Members must be paid by the March 1st deadline.
Other details to be worked out at the January meeting.
Marie to work on some estimates for print directory.
Suggested to have a business of the month. Press releases to give business some free advertising.
We need a Rockford Chamber Facebook page to post information. Leah Hays will take care of setting up page. There can be multiple administrators.
The east Welcome to Rockford sign is being repaired at no cost.
Discussed the need for a Welcome to Rockford at the north entrance of 118.
Cost would be $6,000 approx. We would need to do some fundraising.
Update from Tom Rogers on the RADC organization. They want to begin working towards a grant for a scenic walkway along the river. Fishing areas. Possibly a canoe run between Rockford and Willshire. Would need volunteers to help clean out river.
Suggested for next year to continue with Rockford Christmas Open House along with Small Business Saturday. The committee will begin meeting after the first of the year. The Chamber will be supporting.
We would like to plan another business expo during Community Days.
We would like to look into having the Chamber Challenge return for Community Days.
We have a new business owner, Steve Sheets has purchased the Tastee Twirl.
We decided not to continue with breakfasts. There just aren’t enough people coming to meetings to justify the work involved.
Discussed the Chamber sponsoring several after hours events. This would be done with the help of business sponsorship. Maybe on a quarterly basis.
The next meeting will be January 9th at 8 am at the Village Hall.
Motion Dan Henkle and Nancy Leighner to adjourn the meeting.