Meeting Minutes: February 12 , 2015
February 12, 2015
Marie Miller Chamber President called the meeting to order at 8 am.
Jim Crocker of Rockford’s Best Mix – WRKD gave a presentation on the radio station. They have been on the air since December. There will be an open house and ribbon cutting on February 28th . Ribbon cutting at 2 pm and open house until 5 pm.
Cookies and punch will be served. Jim reviewed underwriting opportunities. He gave out the underwriting information and we will review it.
Lisa read the January minutes. Motion Mary. Second by Larry. All approved.
Lisa gave the financial report. Membership dues are coming in. The deadline is March 1st. The funds in the charitable checking have been accounted for and the balance is $1259. Motion Mary. Second Norm to approve the financial report.
Motion Mary and Second Norm to close the charitable checking and move the balance to the Chamber general fund. Mary will take care of doing that since her name in on the account.
Congratulations to Colonial Nursing Center for being selected as the February Business of the Month. We will continue the program this next year. We will be setting up some guideline for the following year. Example – must be an active member to receive the award. More discussion on guidelines over the next year.
Social media classes – we need to decide if we want to continue. This would be a Facebook for Business type classes. We will send out an email and see if there is continued interest. We need more than 5 people signing up for classes in order to continue.
Through the Chamber Facebook page we are building some relationships with other local businesses. Mary mentioned that the Rockford Chamber out reaching is growing via Facebook and Social Media and the events we are sponsoring. We still need a way to get our members more involved.
We will be talking more about forming committees for specific areas. Marketing, Event Planning, Fundraising and Volunteer coordinating. 2 or 3 people can not continue to do all the functions involved in having a successful Chamber. Please let us know what committee you are interested in. Mary and Zach are forming a partnership and will be getting back with us on some ideas.
The future use of the Christmas house was discussed. It’s not really feasible to sell it and purchase something else for the park. The idea is to make it a potters house for Joyce.
Motion Mary. Second Norm – all approved to use the Christmas house as a potters house at Shanes Park.
The village will be doing some work at the park this spring and the idea is to put a cement pad near the dumpster so it would be a central location to be used. The potters house would be on the same cement pad. We will need some volunteers to help paint. Details will be worked out at a later date.
For future consideration – The RADC and the Chamber joining forces.
Chamber members are encouraged to come support the WRKD open house on February 28th 2 – 5 pm.
There will be a historical society meeting on February 26th – Nancy Knapke will be our speaker.
Lions Club donation letters have been mailed. The Chamber will be asked to make a donation. The Varity Show will be held on March 27th and 28th. Over 1,000 door prizes were donated last year.
Colonial Nursing Center will continue holding Bingo at their facility on Thursdays at 1 pm. Open to the public.
The FUN Challenge will be held again this year during Community Days. We will be asking area businesses to get involved. We will be offering the golf cart version again .
Motion Mary. Second Norm to close the meeting at 8:57.