Meeting Minutes: January 21, 2025
Council called to order by Mayor Searight on January 21, 2025 at 7:30 pm.
Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Searight
Those present: Marcas Heitkamp, Mark Heitkamp, Luke Stephenson, Mary Beougher, Shane Young and Chris Heitkamp
Also attending: Chief Stetler, Patrolman Miller, Robbie Peel and Erin G from the Daily Standard.
Motion Marcas to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Second Shane.
Mark called for the question. Marcas = y, Shane = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Chris = y. Passed 6 yes.
Motion Marcas toaccept the minutes from the January 7, 2025 council meeting as presented. Second Shane. Mary called for the question. Marcas = y, Shane = y, Mary = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 6 yes.
Mayor’s Report and Correspondence
Winter is showing its full force, and we need to be prepared for it. Please take necessary precautions to prevent winter related issues. Finding and closing any drafting spots to prevent unwanted cold spots to make your house warmer. It can also include letting your water drip to prevent freezing of your water pipes. This is especially true on Front St.
Make sure all heat sources are working properly and there is no danger of fire. This includes external heating sources, as they may be portable in nature, but can be very dangerous if not properly used. Many house fires start with people just trying to stay warm.
Keep in mind that we have an ordinance that deals with cars parked on designated emergency routes through the village during a snow event of two or inches. This ordinance is 06-94 and can be found on the village’s web page. Please read that and other ordinances as they are helpful.
Please remember your outside pets, they may need some extra protection from the weather. This may mean providing shelter inside the garage or even inside your home. If that is not possible, try to get them out of the wind and in a dry place.
Remember it’s better to ‘Give more than you take, and you’ll receive more than you give’.
Congratulations to Brand It Marketing – We, the Village of Rockford, welcome “Brand It Marketing” to their new location and their newly remodeled building. It’s with great honor to have an such an established business come into our town. With the first twenty years behind them, we’re excited to be a part of the next twenty years and beyond for Brand IT.
On behalf of the Village Council, Administration, and myself– we wish you the very best.
God Bless you.
Mayor Searight
Mayor noted receipt of Mayors Court pay in and bank statement.
Upcoming Community information & events:
Dog tags on sale – Village Office until January 31st, 2025
Sunday – January 26th – Willshire Youth Bingo – Community Building
Monday – February 3rd – Two weeks – Community Building closed for needed repairs.
Monday – February 17th – Office closed for Presidents’ Day
Sunday – February 23 – Designer Purse Bingo – Community Building
Saturday– March 1st – St. Teresa Family Fun Night – All are welcome !
Community Building.
Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple
With the cold temps we have been working on equipment maintenance. We will be plowing and salting as needed.
Franklin St project — has slowed down because of the temps. Contractors will be finishing up the storm drains in about 2 weeks and will begin removing curbs and sidewalks.
Community building project – have been working on preparations – renting a lift, and will need to move the panels inside the building. This will take every bit of 2 weeks and may include some overtime – all depending on weather issues that may take us off the project.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee: Shane Young
Motion Shane to pay the bills as presented- $17,348.30.
Second Marcas. Mark called for the question. Shane = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Chris. Passed 6 yes.
Motion Shane to accept the Mayors Court pay in $574.00, Second Mark. Marcas called for the question. Shane = y, Mark = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Chris. Passed 6 yes.
Held a finance committee meeting before this to discuss options for a new cruiser. The committee agreed to purchase a new/ used cruiser with new equipment.
Rules Committee: Mark Heitkamp –
Motion Mark to approve WRKD Board of Directors. Second Marcas. Shane called for the question. Mark = y, Marcas = y, Shane = y, Luke = abstain, Mary = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 year.
Luke Stephenson – President
Chris Rasbach – Treasurer / Station Manager
Loren Shindeldecker – Secretary
Vice President – vacant
Will approve the Rockford Rec Board after their February meeting.
Motion Mark to approve the Contract with Parkway Local School and the Village of Rockford for the use of ball diamonds at Shanes Park. Funds collected will be used for upkeep of the diamonds. Second Chris. Marcas called for the question. Mark = y, Chris = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Shane = y. Passed 6 yes.
Service Committee: Mary Beougher
Working with Vantage – we will be providing the materials for them to make picnic tables for the new shelter at the Shanes Park Pond. Once they have one done we will inspect and recommend any need changes to the plans. This will be another good partnership – possible for a couple years as Vantage would like to have inside winter projects. We will be contacting various business and organizations to sponsor the tables. More information coming.
Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp
Working to get a hold of ODOT for information on grants for a crosswalk.
Economic Development Committee: Marcas Heitkamp – Council President
Scheduled a Economic Development committee meeting – this Friday – January 24th at 4:30 pm.
Public Utilities Committee: Luke Stephenson
Motion Luke. Second Chris. Shane called for the question. Luke = y, Chris = y, Shane = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Mary = y, Passed 6 yes.
Old Business:
New Business:
Are you interested in serving the Rockford Community? If so, there will be 4 council seats on the ballot this November. All candidates need to file petitions by 4 pm on August 6th.
Meeting adjourned 7:48 pm
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Mayor Fiscal officer