Meeting Minutes: June 2, 2009
Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.
Invocation was given by Gene Steiner Pledge of Allegiance
Those present: Gehle, Steiner, McKee, Pontsler, Searight, Rutledge Also attending: Judy Koesters, Jeff Long, Sergeant Stetler, Missy Gehle
Motion Steiner. Second Gehle to accept Agenda as Orders of the Day. Searight called for the question. Steiner = y, Gehle = y, Searight = y, McKee = y, Pontsler = y, Rutledge = y. Passed 6 yes.
Motion: McKee. Second Searight to accept the minutes from the
May 19th, 2009 as submitted by the Fiscal Officer. Gehle called for the question. McKee = y, Searight = y, Gehle = y, Steiner = y, Pontsler = y, Rutledge = y. Passed 6 yes.
Visitors to Address Council:
Missy Gehle brought up a safety issue regarding Front St, RT 33 & TJ’s,. People need to yield the right away – Possible curb work to break up road and parking lot. Jeff to talk to State before repaving Main St.
Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:
Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long
Water Plant Bid to be opened tomorrow – water plant at 11 am and water meters at 11:30 am. There has been a lot of interest. We should get good bids.
Well work – hopefully done with project.
South Main Street – Approaches and sidewalks to be finished. Base coat – weather permitting – on Thursday or early next week. Completion date July 3rd. Tomorrow need to move a fire hydrant beyond the sidewalk. Have received a lot of compliments.
Getting a fact sheet together for residents if they want to upgrade to underground electric. There will be some costs involved. Jeff will try to get some of the costs included in the project.
Other items discussed:
Sidewalks and curbs on Holly Lane, to be bid later in the summer.
Discussed brush clean up. Village will make every effort to go around every 2 weeks and more when storms have come through.
Storm drains are cleaned out periodically.
Residents need to remember that they should not be mowing grass in the streets
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee: Todd McKee
Motion Steiner , Second Pontsler to pay bills in the amount of $6,932.44 as submitted by the Fiscal Officer. Gehle called for the question. Steiner = y, Pontsler = y, Gehle = y, McKee = y, Searight = y, Rutledge = 6. Passed 6 yes.
Motion Searight. Second Gehle to accept the Mayors Court pay in of $223.00. Steiner called for the question. Searight = y, Gehle = y, Steiner = y, McKee = y, Pontsler = y, Rutledge = y. Passed 6 yes.
Finance Committee Meeting scheduled for June 8th 7 pm.
Service Committee: Steve Gehle
Mobile Home Park update – drive has been paved.
Safety Committee: Kathy Rutledge
Stop signs have been installed on Front Street. Can already see a difference of speed on the street. Stop signs are located every 2 blocks. 25 mph sign installed on Holly Lane to Front St.
Economic Development Committee: Eugene Steiner
There was a RADC meeting on May 21st. Discussion was Rockford Community Days on the 19th, 20th, and 21st. Community Days sign has been put up in the downtown area. Looks nice. RADC will be selling Pork Chop on a stick dinners after the Community Church service. Proceeds will be going to Pool Fund. Tickets are available at the Village Office.
Will be holding a meeting on June 15th to finalize Community Days Events.
Update on pool fund – currently have $8,500. Upcoming fund raisers: Elvis Jr. – tickets will go on sale after the Mendon Festival.
“It takes everyone working together to make Economic Development to work…” “… Our time for growth..” read from newspaper.
Question: What does it take to get ready? We have to decide what we want and what type of manufacturing. Do we have realtors working on selling the industrial park? Do we have a presentation ready to give out?
Economic Committee meeting scheduled for June 8th at 7:30 pm.
Public Utilities Committee: Greg Pontsler
We are currently waiting on Fanning & Howey to get back with their evaluation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Rules Committee: Ron Searight
Discussion of Cell Phone Policy item #12.
Motion: Searight, Second Gehle to eliminate item #12 from the Cell Phone Policy. Pontsler called for the question. Searight = y, Gehle = y, Pontsler = y, Steiner = y, McKee = y, Rutledge = y. Passed 6 yes.
Old Business
New Business:
Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.