Meeting Minutes: March 12, 2015
March 13, 2015
Marie Miller Chamber President called the meeting to order at 8 am on
March 12th at the Rockford Village Hall.
Minutes were read and approved – Motion Norm. Second Lisa. All approved.
The financial report was given. After closing the combined charity account and moving to the general fund, we have an account balance of $5477.02. Memberships are still coming in. Motion Larry. Second Nancy. All approved.
The committee approved the following donations:
The Community Days Car Show – $25.00
The Lions Club Variety Show – $200 in gift certificates.
We will review the WRKD underwriting information and make a decision on that support at the April meeting.
Congratulations to TJ’s the March Business of the Month. Marie and Lisa presented the traveling trophy.
The Shop Mercer County Coupon booklets will be printed again this year. Information was shared via email.
Save Local Now is a social media benefit for our members. We will work on getting members more information.
Motion Jane. Second Marie to do the Flower Power Fundraising event again this year. Basically it’s all on line to order and pay. The flowers get shipped directly to the purchasers home. The Chamber makes 50% of sales. Spring bulbs for Summer blooms !
Membership deadline has been extended to March 27th.
We will need volunteers to help paint the Christmas House that we are turning into a Potters House. Mary suggested that she would work on some donations for paint.
We will have a painting party once the house has been moved and set at the Park.
Along with that information, Joyce Emans is working to begin a Shanes Park Beautification Society that will meeting twice a month to work on flowers and other projects as needed. Contact the village office if interested.
Marie to see if Leah will be interested in helping with the fun challenge again this year. Jane may be able to help – depends on schedule.
Lisa and Marie will be meeting with Mary to come up with some fundraising ideas to present to members. We need to begin raising funds for the North Welcome Sign.
Bob Maurer suggested solar lights so we don’t have to worry about get electricity to that area.
Bob mentioned that the “Counting Cars” event at the Mercer County Fair is being sponsored by the Celina VFW.
Larry reported that WCSM will begin some new segments called Talk of the Town – we will have local organizations report on what is going on. Norm to talk about the Historical Society. Marie to talk about Chamber events. Sandy Schaffner about the Park.
Motion Jane. Second Larry to end the meeting.