Meeting Minutes: March 9, 2017
March 9, 2017
The meeting was called to order on March 9th by President Mary Beougher at 8 am 7 members present.
February minutes and financial reports were read and approved.
The Community Days Car Show requested $25 to sponsor a trophy. All approved.
Received a Thank you from George Moore, who visited at the last meeting.
Directory – Marie has the updates and hopes to work on the directory next week. Our printer is ready to go. It was suggested to call the directory a Visitors Guide and Business Directory – putting the business information smaller underneath. We will also add ‘take one’ on the top right corner so people know they are free.
We are working on a page for the Shanes Crossing Subdivision and another page with Bicentennial information.
Fundraiser ideas – Will look into getting the dunk tank back for Community Days. We will need to have a parent release form so that students can participate in the dunk tank. The kids enjoyed dunking their friends.
We also discussed a murder/mystery show to be held at the Community Building on February 10th. Jamie to see if Mrs. Wagner would help with this project and use local talent instead of paying professionals.
We will be doing the beanfest but give it a different name and different look. It will be called the “Soup”er Concert in the Park to be held on October 8th. We will check with New Horizons on the food stand. Norm to check with Methodist ladies about desserts. We will have several soups available. We will invite Triad (Mike Bruns band) and ask the Parkway Musical department to sing a couple of songs to advertise their upcoming events. We would open at 11. Music to start at noon with Triad till 1 – have the musical numbers for about a ½ hour and let Mike wrap things up. Would end at approx.. 2 pm. A shorter version of last years bean bake.
We need to get flyers to Rockford Rec and invite their soccer teams and families to attend our event.
Nancy volunteered to attend the scholarship application interviews at Parkway. Mary will present the award at the May Senior night.
Meeting adjourned at 8:56 am