Meeting Minutes: November 15, 2022
Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph, Tuesday, November 15, 2022
at 7:30 pm.
Invocation – Ron Searight
Pledge of Allegiance
Those present: Marcas Heitkamp, Ron Searight, Luke Stephenson, Mary Beougher, Rick Shindeldecker, Chris Heitkamp.
Also attending: Robbie Peel, Marge Gehle, Srgt Stetler and Erin G of the Daily Standard.
Motion Searight. Second Stephenson to accept the agenda as orders of the day
Beougher called for the question. Searight = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y, M Heitkamp = y, Shindeldecker = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.
Motion Searight. Second Shindeldecker to accept the minutes from the November 1, 2022 council meeting as presented. Heitkamp called for the question. Searight = y, Shindeldecker = y, Heitkamp = y, M Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y. Passed 6 yes.
Visitors to Address Council:
Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:
Christmas at the Park — — 😊 – will finish decorating this
Saturday and Sunday —- Volunteers needed – need help to finish hanging lights.
Mayor notes receipt and review of Mayors Court pay in
and bank statement.
Extend Sympathy to the family of former council member Steve Gehle that passed away recently.
Community Announcements and events:
November 23& 24 & 25 – Village office closed for Thanksgiving
November 26th – Small Business Saturday – Shop Small ~~ Shop Local
November 27th – Rockford Parade of Lights – 6 pm ~ help us welcome Santa to Shanes Park. Parade route – Franklin St to Front St to Santa’s house at the park. If interested in participating contact Mayor Joseph or Village Office. All are welcome
December 23 – 26th – Village Office closed for Christmas
December 25th – Together at Christmas – Free Christmas meal @ the Rockford Community Building – 10:30 am – 1pm. Sponsored by local churches working together to celebrate Christ’s birth.
Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple –
Access Engineering will be attending the district OPWC meeting to help us secure 1 million in grants and loans for the Franklin St project.
Access Engineering working on hard numbers to move forward with the next Phase of the subdivision — adding an additional 7 lots.
Have asked Access Engineering to do some research on adding some higher power aerators to the waste water ponds. We don’t want to mess up what improvements have been made but we are working to continue to decrease odors as much as possible. Our testing is good and we continue to process clean water going back to the river.
EPA continues to promote Asset Management programs. We will be going to Ft. Recovery to see how their GSI system is working. Looking at costs of 17,000 + to get up and running. This program takes our maps and combines them with hydrant locations, water meter locations, curbs etc.. This gives the ability see all the information/infrastructure one location in an electronic version.
We have contacted by certified mail – 3 property owners that have homes that are in a state of disrepair. They will have time to come into compliance or the homes will be condemned and the village will pay to have them taken down. The costs to take down would then be assessed to the property tax. This is a lack of pride in the community and disrespectful to neighbors.
Leaf pick up – final day will be Tuesday – November 22. After that – residents are welcome to dispose of leaves in the grass clippings bin behind the village office.
Mailboxes — need to be set properly or will potentially be hit with snow plows. They should not be leaning over the curb. We will work on getting some sort of notice to those that are not properly set.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee: Ron Searight – President
Motion Shindeldecker. Second Stephenson to pay the bills as presented –
$17,448.97. Searight called for the question. Shindeldecker = y, Stephenson = y, Searight = y, M Heitkamp = y, Beougher = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.
Motion Shindeldecker to accept the Mayors Court pay in $ 70. Second Stephenson. Heitkamp called for the question. Shindeldecker = y, Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y, M Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Beougher = y. Passed 6 yes.
Finance committee meeting was held on 11/09/2022 – Discussed the following: Subdivision plans – moving forward working on getting hard numbers to work with. This will give us additional 7 lots. Also approved the standby pay to be 8 hours of the employees pay or 8 hours of comp time.
1st reading – 11/01/2022
2nd reading – 11/15/2022
Service Committee: Mary Beougher
Noted crosswalk updates.
Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp
Have posted on Facebook the need for Tree Committee members — have not heard from anyone. Requirements – volunteers, several meetings per year and help with trimming and planting trees.
Follow up on Pearl Street trees — not seeing a problem.
Economic Development Committee: Rick Shindeldecker
Shanes Crossing Subdivision – – 2 Lots left for sale – contact Tammy Cheek with Homes at Ohio’s Edge Realty.
New Business – Opportunity in Rockford, Ohio –
Corner of Main Street and Columbia Street call RCS Construction
at 419-586-9367.
Next finance meeting would like to extend invitation to Marcas since he is also on the Economic Development committee.
Public Utilities Committee: Luke Stephenson –
Reminder —
Base water rate increase from $33.00 to $53.00 – Beginning January 2023
Village will no longer be sending monthly shut off letters – if not paid in full by the end of each month water services will get shut off – $25 fee will be assessed to the next billing cycle.
WRKD updates –
Rules Committee: Marcas Heitkamp
Recommendation to update some policy guidance – includes the pay rates for standby pay.
4.3 – Overtime
4.4 – Standby time
4.5 – Callout pay
Motion: Searight. Second Shindeldecker. Heitkamp called for the question.
Searight = y, Shindeldecker = y, Heitkamp = y, M Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y. Passed 6 yes.
1st reading – 11/1/2022
2nd reading – 11/15/2022
Would like to see an inventory list of all tools / equipment with value of $150 replacement cost. We need to keep track of items we have and / or may not need any longer. We also need to keep an updated list for insurance purposes. Should have everything in a spreadsheet format by first of the year. Insurance company already has listed the large dollar equipment and vehicles.
Old Business:
Race and Market street – update on pot holes.
Pearl / Franklin street light still not working.
New Business:
Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm
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Mayor Fiscal officer