Meeting Minutes: October 15, 2019
Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on
Tuesday, October 15, 2019, at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.
Invocation – lead by Shane Young – The Lord’s Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
Those present: Gehle, Young, Pontsler, Now, Heitkamp
Fox absent.
Also attending: Tom Stankard – of the Daily Standard, Chief May,
Marge Gehle, Barry Sr. and Robbie Peel
Motion Young. Second Heitkamp to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Gehle called for the question. Young = y, Heitkamp = y, Gehle = y, Pontsler = y, Now = y. Passed 5 yes.
Motion Now. Second Heitkamp to accept the minutes from the September 17, 2019 council meeting as presented. Gehle called for the question. Now = y, Heitkamp = y, Gehle = y, Young = y, Pontsler = y. Passed 5 yes.
Visitors to Address Council:
Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:
Mayor noted receipt and review of Mayors Court pay in,
bank reconciliation, and bank statement.
Community Announcements and events:
Sunday – October 20th – Leota Braun Harvest Celebration – noon
Saturday – October 26th – Halloween – – 5 pm – 6:30 pm. Judging at the Firehouse at 7 pm. * new hours began last year
Saturday – November 2nd – Lions Club Fish Fry
Tuesday – Election Day – November 5th – Community Building
Tuesday – November 12th – Brush pick up
Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long – absent
Committee Reports
Finance Committee – Steve Gehle
Motion Young to pay bills as submitted – $15,928.63. Second Pontsler. Heitkamp called for the question. Young = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Gehle = y, Now = y. Passed 5 yes.
Motion Pontsler to accept the Mayors Court pay in: $556. Second Heitkamp. Young called for the question. Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Young = y, Gehle = y, Now = y. Passed 5 yes.
Motion Now to approve the monthly financial reports – * note additional report
Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,
Budget vs Actual activity report, Bank reconciliation and comparison report for the water, sewer, and income tax.
AND approve supplemental appropriations to date
AND approve additional purchase order and 4th quarter blanket certificates.
Second Heitkamp. Pontsler called for the question. Now = y, Heitkamp = y, Pontsler = y, Gehle =y. Young = y. Passed 5 yes.
Audit should be done in 2 weeks – it’s at the management review level.
Need to start working on Budget 2020, pay ordinance 2020, and Jeff’s replacement.
Council will accept applications and resumes for the position of Rockford Village Administrator until November 8th. Ads to be placed in local newspapers and on Facebook.
On November 12th – a service committee meeting will be held to review submitted applications / resume at 7 pm.
On November 12th – a finance committee meeting will be held to review the Budget 2020 and pay ordinance for 2020. Will need 1st reading at the November 19th council meeting.
Service Committee: Greg Pontsler
Gave park update – events and clean up.
Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp
Motion Gehle to approve the use of Celina’s Firearms Training Range for firearms training and education. Waiver of Liability / Release of Claims.
Second Now. Young called for the question. Gehle = y, Now = y, Young = y. Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 5 yes.
Economic Development Committee: Shane Young
1ST reading = 09/03/19
2nd reading – 09/17/19
3rd reading – 10/15/19
Motion Gehle. Second Heitkamp. Now called for the question. Gehle = y, Heitkamp = y, Now = y, Young =y, Pontsler = y. Passed 5 yes.
Questions are coming up if we will continue the 20% discount for next year for the sale of lots at Shanes Crossing subdivision. Council agreed to extend through next year.
Motion Gehle. Second Now. Pontsler called for the question. Gehle = y, Now = y, Pontsler = y, Young = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 5 yes.
Naming of the 118 North Bridge – council reviewed all the submitted suggestions. Motion to name the bridge – Antoine Chene Memorial Bridge – this is the original spelling of Anthony Shane our founding father. This will be made into a resolution and approved at the next meeting. Resolution will be submitted to ODOT for signage.
Motion Now. Second Heitkamp. Gehle called for the question. Now =y, Heitkamp = y, Gehle = y, Young = y, Pontsler = y. Passed 5 yes.
Public Utilities Committee: Wilbur Fox – absent – by Mayor Joseph
We are ready to begin sending water billing statements by email – if you are interested in this service please send your home address and email address to –
We will be testing the program for several months. Residents that sign up for this service will still get postcard in the mail for several months until we are sure all procedures are in place.
Rules Committee: Brad Now
Old Business:
Councilman Gehle would like to give a shout out for small towns!
They are awesome !
New Business:
This Saturday – October 19th – on WRKD 101.3 fm – Rockford Radio Station — The Control Room will be interviewing our Mayor Candidates –
Amy Joseph and Marge Gehle. The show starts at 10 am !
_________________________ _________________________
Mayor Fiscal officer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:01 pm