Meeting Minutes: September 8, 2016
September 9, 2016
Mary Beougher welcomed everyone to the September 8th meeting that was held at 8 am at the Rockford Village Hall.
BANQUET, BANQUET, BANQUET – need to get RSVP in by September 16th !
Lisa read the August meeting minutes and gave an update on the financials.
Several of the organizations have paid the donation toward the discs for the Welcome Sign. We have sent a check in the amount of $2,000 as a down payment for the insert for the Welcome Sign to get production started. We have not received the Sock Hop funds as yet.
BANQUET: We will be decorating for the Chamber Banquet on Sunday – September 25th at 6 pm. We need chamber members to help us set up and get everything ready for the Banquet on the 26th. We will be decorating in a patriotic theme using blue and white table cloths and using the red, white and blue decorations that we have in storage. It was suggested that we use the Leota Braun dishes as the park and Dan can get the church silverware. Mary will talk to the Carry out.
BEANFEST: We will be setting up the pavilion for the Beanfest on October 1st at 10 am. Need volunteers please meet at 10 am to help move benches. Chamber will need to provide the ketchup, salt, pepper. Mary will check with Colonial on onions and corn bread. Ralph has ordered 15 lbs ham and 15lbs of bacon to be used in the beans. Please like and share the Beanfest information on Facebook !
This is event is rain or shine !
Mary to look into a Jan / Feb entertainment of dinner / mystery theatre show to be held at the Rockford Community Building. She will get us some dates to work with. We would only sell 200 tickets.
CHRISTMAS AT THE PARK: Need Volunteers to help begin decorating starting on October 15th from 10 am – noon every Saturday until the event on Sunday, November 27th.
2017 Chamber Membership will run from December – February. We want to begin to work on the directory again so that we can update members first of March with the directory going to bring mid March. We will have a party putting the directory together !
Need to continue with reminder emails at 1 week and day before.
The next meeting will be held on October 13th at 8 am at the Village Hall.
The Chamber Banquet – September 26th
The Rockford Bean Bake – October 2nd
Christmas at the Park – November 27th.
Meeting adjourned.