Rockford Chamber Donates to Rockford Police Department
The Village of Rockford Police Department recently received a $2,834.00 grant from the Ohio Law Enforcement Body Armor Program. This grant allows law enforcement to purchase body armour and related equipment for officers. Bullet resistant vests have a shelf-life and need to be replaced regularly. This specific grant is a match grant that covered 75% of the costs.
The Rockford Chamber of Commerce presented Chief Paul May with a donation of $695.00 from the Crime Awareness budget to complete the purchase of the carrier vests and related equipment to keep the Rockford Police Department safe.
Pictured left to right: Lucas Luginbill Chamber Vice President, Amanda Peel, Chamber Treasurer, Laura Putman Chamber Board Member, Chief Paul P May III, Marie Junk Miller Chamber President, Leah Hays Chamber Board Member, Tom Burtch Chamber Board Member Sierra Megan Chamber Board Member.
Thank you for all that you do.