Shanes Crossing Chronicle, December 2018
Once again this has been a busy year for the museum as we had six meetings that were well attended. We are always receiving donations as area people downsize or parents pass on and the heirs go through much memorabilia. We appreciate area people for thinking of us before throwing something into the garbage. We also hosted the Parkway third graders as they toured the log house and museum.
We were fortunate to receive a bank teller window from Marcia Ripley Woods that was in one of the early banks of Shanes Crossing in the late 1800’s. With the help of Steve Thompson and Mike Schumm we were able to get the bank alarm system from Terry Gehm’s building that was the earliest building built as a bank. Steve also placed a stained glass window from the old Grace EUB church next to the main entrance of our museum. We have four pictures that our town library gave us that were given to former librarian, Ethel McSherry. These pictures are of the moon landing of Neil Armstrong and are autographed by Neil.
As we approach the year of 2020 a committee has been meeting monthly to plan for the big celebration. We meet the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the museum. We welcome anyone with ideas to attend to give input. This winter an artist will begin work on a mural for the South side of the firehouse. He will be painting these panels in the Stephenson building on North Main Street and the public will be notified as to when he will be there and you can come and watch him work. Also Parkway students will continue working on a mural on the concrete wall that sits at the East end of Market Street. We have plans to start the celebration off with a New Years Eve ball on December 31st 2019 with fireworks. Our American Legion is making plans for a veteran’s memorial in the park next to their building. Please see the enclosed flyer for more information on this project. We hope to have different activities throughout the year with the parade and other activities during community days in June. We encourage businesses, organizations, and others to be a part of the parade.
Enclosed you will find a form to renew your membership for another year or become a member of our society. We thank you for your support.