Shanes Crossing Chronicle, February 1999
Since the last newsletter, there has been very little activity. Various committees are beginning to work towards the new year. Besides finishing the log house this spring, we would like to begin developing the grounds surrounding the house.
An herb garden is being planned (contact Nancy Thomas if you can help or have ideas) and a method for displaying the donor bricks. Connie Sell is chairperson of the grounds committee and is open to suggestions for displaying the donor bricks.
If you have not paid your annual dues, we will still accept them. ($5.00-member, $25.00-business).
Web Page
Sheila Baltzell and her son, Tom Baltzell have donated a web page for the society. It includes the goals of the society, history of Anthony Shane and the log house, and ties to other Rockford websites. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can check it out at your local library. We certainly want to thank Sheila and Tom for the donation of this professional-looking site.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on February 25 at 7:30 pm at the First Methodist Church fellowship hall. “Mark Twain” will present a very informative and entertaining program. Everyone is invited.