Meeting Minutes: April 10, 2014
Meeting called to order by President Jane Cozad at 8 am.
The minutes from March were read and approved.
Treasurer report was given. Our general fund has balance of $1811. The new web site will be costing $1700. So we really need to be watching every expense.
Hopefully we get several more memberships, but they won’t benefit from the plans we have scheduled for the rest of the year.
We are also working on a print directory with price tag of $2000.00. Marie is looking in to several options on printing. Norm mentioned Tri-Star . Good quality work.
Lisa to check with bank regarding the certificate of deposit information.
Maturity date and amount. (May 5th – $3053.05 – we have 10 days after to decide)
Rockford Chamber Business Expo during Community Days. We have 3 entries so far. The deadline has passed for Chamber members and will be open to public.
We have a May 7th deadline to see if we get any more interest and will discuss at the May meeting if we will continue with the plan. The June Chamber meeting would be used to set up for the Expo like we did last year.
FUN Challenge – a facebook page and event has been set up. Information to businesses has been mailed. Registrations are beginning to come in.
Ages 18-30, 30 +, and working on a golf cart version.
The next Social Media Class will be held on Monday – May 12th at 6:30 pm at the Rockford Library basement. Chamber members $10.00 , Non-Chamber members $15.00. Marie to do a write up for press release.
• Congratulations to His ‘N Hers – Brenda Barker for being selected as the 1st Rockford Chamber Business of the Month. Press releases were done via Facebook and news outlets. (although some of the information was not reported correctly — not good). Brenda received the traveling trophy and will choose the May Business of the Month April 30th or May 1st which ever date works.
Be sure to check out – — our NEW website is up !!
The Boys Scouts will be using the Chamber ice cream machine during Community Days.
We need to work on getting a car lined up for our Citizen of the Year – Mike Bruns.
Motion Norm, Second Nancy to adjourn meeting.