Meeting Minutes: February 13, 2013

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Meeting Minutes: February 13, 2013

7:30 a.m. Jane delivered prayer and breakfast was served.

8:00 a.m. – Jane called meeting to order.

Last months minutes were read by Karen.  Minutes were appropriately approved.

Lisa gave treasurer’s report:  Currently at end of January the checking is $4388.78 and savings $431.50.

Paid $400.00 for the 350 project.  $545.00 insurance.  $75.00 to NOACC (Northern Ohio Area Chamber of Commerce). $3000.00 in CD.

Jane shared her new business venture: Reiki which promotes healing wholeness.  She has rented a building in Rockford in hopes of yet another way to bring business to the town.


Good feedback in having community days along with the expo.  This is a go. Times discussed were Friday, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., with 4 hours on Saturday.  Fun challenge to begin in the a.m.  exact times not confirmed. Lisa will check with persons involved for times.

Casino night is Saturday night.

Karen made mention that Colonial can be used if needed.

A booth fee needs to be established.  In the prior years, it has been $25.00 for members.  $50.00 for non-members.   This helps promote new chamber members.

It was presented to raise the fees to use for a cash drawing for people in attendance. Also a way to draw persons to the booths.

Business need to get there names in for a spot as spaces will be limited.

  • The splash pad committee may be interested in using the ice cream machine for the car show.
  • Nancy will check to see if Mike’s band is interested in entertaining.
  • Jane to check with Greg to see if boy scouts are interested in serving ice cream again.
  • Lisa mentioned Parkway H.S. Band is raising money for a Disney trip and may also be interested.

It was suggested that the selling of flower bulbs may be given to the High School band.

We have a request from Lions Club for a donation.  Last  year, $200.00 was given in gift certificates and Jane motioned to do the same this year.  Karen seconded.  All were in favor.

The donation to car show will be $25.00.  This was approved as well. Lisa also suggested a flyer be made up and put on cars advertising for Business Expo.

A scholarship committee will need formed for the purpose of listening to student interviews.  And then to determine who the recipient will be. Karen and Nancy volunteered to go and listen and Lisa will check on the dates.

We are also in need of a Winterfest organizer and Lisa will send email to all members in hopes that someone will be interested in undergoing this project.  It was suggested to speak with Betsey from the boutique to see if she would spearhead.  Karen will visit and see if she would have interest in this.

Nancy took a welcome basket to new residents of Rockford.  Rhyneharts.   Another welcome basket is set to go out.

Town banners were the last on the discussion table.  Jony D Images is to get back with Lisa with the Spring/Summer.

Meeting was motioned to adjourn by Nancy.  This was seconded by Lisa. All in favor.