Meeting Minutes: February 20, 2024

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Meeting Minutes: February 20, 2024

Council called to order by Mayor Ron Searight on February 20, 2024 at 7:30 pm.

Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance –    Led by Mayor Searight.

Those present:   Marcas Heitkamp, Mark Heitkamp, Luke Stephenson,

Mary Beougher, Shane Young, Chris Heitkamp.       

Also attending:   Ross Finke, Francis Schaffner, Robbie Peel,

Erin G of the Daily Standard,

Motion Shane.  Second Luke to accept the agenda as orders of the day.

Mary called for the question.   Shane = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Chris = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Mary.  Second Marcas to accept the minutes from the February 6, 2024 council meeting as presented.   Mark called for the question.   Mary = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Shane = y, Chris = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence: 

Mayor noted receipt and review of Mayors Court pay in and bank statement.

Since the last meeting held 5 meetings.  At the office daily for several hours.  The office hours on Monday from 3 pm – 5 pm  had low turn out so that has been discontinued.     Residents welcome to stop by if wanting to discuss concerns or call to make appointment.    We have revised the ‘complaint’ form to a ‘concern’ form that is meant to be confidential.   Please fill out information concise and respectful.   Forms are available on the website and to be given or dropped off at the office – Attention:  Mayor.   

Upcoming Community information & events:

March 2 – St. Teresa Family Fun Night –Community Building

March 19 – Primary Election – Rockford Community Building

March 26,27,28 – Village Office closed —- (Continuing Education)

March 29th – Village office closed – Good Friday

March 29 – Rockford Community – Good Friday Service – Community Building at 7 pm

March – 30 – Shanes Park Easter Egg Hunt – 1 pm   (Volunteers and donations needed – contact Amy Joseph)

April 6 – Lions Club Quarter Auction – Community Building

Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple  

Franklin Street project will be going out to bid by July 2024 and project completion by July 2025.    Trees along Franklin St. that will be taken down have been marked.  Received quotes and will be contacting the contractor.   Work must be done by April 1st.   No trees can be removed from April 1st to October 1st because of the Indiana Bat.

After the last meeting we discussed the changes to the Franklin Street Project adding parking and walkway has now been approved by Parkway.    Will be sending a Letter of Understanding to Parkway and will get the needed signatures for the project file. 

Will be reviewing our liability insurance to make sure we have sufficient coverage. 

Pearl St — the owner of the property has passed away.  We are working to get someone designated that can make decisions regarding the property.   Hopefully someone can get it boarded up in the next couple weeks.    Council suggests getting in touch with the Fire Marshall for recommendations and perhaps the need to condemn the house.

Street signs and stop signs have been ordered  – there are many that need to be changed out.  

Committee Reports:

Finance Committee:  Shane Young

Motion Marcas to pay the bills as presented  $16,825.23.  Second Chris.  Mark called for the question.   Marcas = y, Chris = y,  Mark = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Shane = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Marcas to accept the Mayors Court pay in $ 278.00.  Second Chris.  Luke called for the question.   Marcas = y,  Chris = y, Luke = y, Mark = y, Mary = y, Shane = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Finance Committee meeting was held on 02/13/2024 –  discussed the following – 

Sewer cover, community building needs, subdivision, cruiser, and Franklin St project.

Recommendation to pay off the Cruiser and start paying the line item the quarterly payments.

Motion Luke to approve paying off the cruiser.  Second Marcas.  Chris called for the question.   Luke = y, Marcas = y,  Chris = y, Mark = y, Mary = y, Shane = y.  Passed 6 yes.


A resolution to provide for the current expenses and other expenditures of the Village of Rockford during fiscal year ending December 31,2024.

Motion Marcas.  Second Luke.  Mary called for the question.  Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Mark = y, Shane = y,  Chris = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Fremont Enterprise Zone Meeting – February 28th at 11 am. 

Rules Committee:    Mark Heitkamp

Each Mayor and council member required to attend Public Records Training or appoint a designee to attend on their behalf.

Motion Shane to appoint Lisa Kuhn to be the Mayor and Council designee to attend Public Records training on March 26th at the Local Government Training seminar.   Second Marcas.  Luke called for the question.   Shane = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mark = y, Mary = y, Chris = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Working on the entire vacation section of the Employee Handbook.  Picking up where the Rules Committee left off last year.  Needing to continue the project updating the entire handbook.  Information below would be a start to updates.   All council received the vacation section and will be reviewing needed updates and changes with the Rules committee.

6.1 Vacation Eligibility — suggestion

Each full time employee shall be entitled to 1 week vacation after 6 months of service; 2 weeks after 1 year of service; 3 weeks after 5 years of service; 4 weeks after 10 years of service; 5 weeks after 15 years of service.

Vacation eligibility is based upon employees anniversary date.  After the first year of employment every employees anniversary date will revert back to January 1.

Council reserves the right to adjust eligibility at time of employment. 

Service Committee:   Mary Beougher –

Per the Finance committee meeting – recommend purchasing ceiling tile and new speaker system for the Rockford Community Building – Cost approximate $10,000.

Motion Marcas.  Second Chris.  Luke called for the question.  Marcas = y, Chris = y, Luke = y, Mark = y, Mary =y, Shane = y.  Passed 6 yes.

The Parkway Ministerial Association will be holding a Community Good Friday service at the Community Building.  Since this is a community event and offering will be going to the Ministerial fund / food bank.  Would like to donate the building costs as a community service much like we do for Together at Christmas.

Motion Marcas to waive the fee for the Community Good Friday services.  Second Shane.  Chris called for the question.  Marcas = y, Shane = y, Chris = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Mary = y.  Passed 6 yes.

The Chamber and Village held a Grand Opening for The Panther’s Den (former Subway location) on Thursday – February 15th.   

The Panther’s Den is located at 101 S Main St, Rockford, Ohio.    Follow ‘The Panther’s Den’ on Facebook to view their menu and business hours.

Welcome to Rockford! Wishing you success and prosperity in your new venture.

Motion Shane to approve 2024 WRKD Board of Directors.   Second Mark.  Marcas called for the question.   Shane = y, Mark = y, Marcas = y, Luke – P, Mary = y, Chris = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Luke Stephenson – President

Chris Rasbach – Station Manager

Kyle Feasby – Board Member

Loren Shindeldecker – Board Member

Motion Luke to approve 2024 Rockford Rec Board of Directors.  Second Chris.  Marcas called for the question.   Luke = y, Chris = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Mary = y, Shanes = y.  Passed 6 yes.

President:  Dan Moeller

Vice-President: Matt Slavik

Secretary: Tyler Stover

Treasurer: Jessica Shaffer

Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp

Safety committee recommends hiring 2nd shift Patrolman – William Miller.

Motion Shane.  Second Luke.  Mary called for the question.  Shane = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Chris = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Ron available tomorrow to give Oath of Office if the offer is accepted.

Economic Development Committee:  Marcas Heitkamp

RADC –   Next Meeting – February 26 – 7 pm Rockford Library

Chris, Mark and Mary — waiting on your 1, 3, and 5 year goals.

Public Utilities Committee:   Luke Stephenson

Administrator Temple – reviewed references that were discussed at the finance meeting regarding the sewer pond cover.   The businesses have been using this cover for more than 10 years with no issues.  Basically no maintenance other than cleaning out weeds growing between the sections.   This will help with the odors and treatment process.

Per Finance Committee meeting –  recommend making arrangements for financing and purchasing the sewer pond cover.    Cost approximately $225,000.   Would be financed through OWDA.

Motion: Marcas.  Second Chris.  Shane called for the question.  Marcas = y, Chris = y, Shane = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Mary = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Old Business:            

Mary – ordered statue for the Joyce Emans memorial. 

Parkway will supply a bike rack through the school year and have located at the

Bus stop.     Council wondering why it can’t stay throughout the summer when there will be even more children riding bikes to the park?

Visitors to Address Council:   none

New Business:

Meeting adjourned   8  pm 

_________________________                      _________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer