Meeting Minutes: February 24, 2014
Bryan Sutton called the meeting to order.
A quorum was met, board members Dr Sell, Tom Rogers, Bryan Sutton, Greg Puthoff, Jeff Long, and Tammy Cheek were present.
Several general members were present. Guests Mike Bruns and Steve Schaff.
Minutes from previous meeting were approved as read, Sue Barna motioned, Greg Puthoff 2nd.
Treasurer report is $5410.52 Checks were written to the village for the land purchase, Vanity Kept, Healing Hands, Picket Fence and Dollar General.
Membership report-9 members for 2014 as of Feb 15.
Jeff Long updated on the River Project.
Swift Grant, Ohio EPA, forwarded to Jared Ebbing-training at Bowling Green, we need stream restoration OD&R grant for the launch and pick up sites.
Possible Launch site at Mendon Campground and run to Memorial Park at Rockford. The village will market and send letters of support but need an organization to back the project (RADC?)
0D&R grants apps due 5/1/2014, will include delivery, restrooms, parking, etc.
We need to approach Bill Smith, campground owner plus Mendon and Rockford villages, and Mercer County all need to be involved. Campground is annexed.
We need to assure river maintenance by county.
Pete and Twyla presented a full pamphlet for the grant application and guidelines.
Doc mentioned other attractions stemming from this-birdwatching, eagles, woodpeckers.
Request Motion for RADC to back the river project development (Launch and cleaning river) Bill Miller-Motioned, Barb Pedroza 2nd, all in favor.
Mike Bruns gave a business presentation Twyla mentioned Barry’s has added rotisserie chicken and soups to boost business.
Jeff- suggested entrepreneur classes for young people in the area.
John Dooley is a new council member and has plans to bring attractions.
Dr. Sell- Picket Fence is doing well since moving to Main Street.
Tom- mentioned support for Steve Sheets as the new owner for the Tastee Twirl.
Send $50 for ads.
March 30th- Cabin Fever Quarter Auction
Refreshments for March 24 meeting, Steve and Bryan.
Tammy Cheek-Secretary