Meeting Minutes: July 9, 2015

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Meeting Minutes: July 9, 2015

July 9, 2015



Marie Miller  – Chamber President called the meeting to order at 8 am on

July 9th,  at the Rockford Village Hall.


Very informal meeting as only 4 members were present.


Discussed the FUN Challenge that will be happening this Saturday.

T-shirts are ready.   Since having to reschedule the Challenge we have

some teams unable to participate..  Trying to replace ones that are unable to run.  May have a few show up on Saturday morning.


FUN Challenge – July 11th  Registration at 9 am.  Run to begin at 10 am,


We have some very nice door prizes, so hoping that everyone that participate can get something.


Leah to contact Mary about picking up some of the prizes.


The Chamber Banquet is scheduled for Monday – October 26th at the

Rockford Community Building.


The Christmas at the Park is scheduled for Sunday – November 29th .


Congratulations to The Fremont Company – the July Business of the month.

Marie and Lisa to present award right after meeting.