Meeting Minutes: March 19, 2024

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Meeting Minutes: March 19, 2024


Council called to order by Mayor Ron Searight on March 19, 2024 at 7:30 pm.

Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance –    Led by Mayor Searight.

Those present:   Marcas Heitkamp, Mark Heitkamp, Luke Stephenson,

Mary Beougher, Shane Young, Chris Heitkamp

Also attending:   Ross Finke, Sandy Schaffner, Robbie Peel, Chief Stetler, Patrolman Miller, and Erin G of the Daily Standard, Don Garwood and Brad Carr of the Willshire Village council, Ben and Brody Reigle.

Motion Marcas.  Second Luke to accept the agenda as orders of the day.

Shane called for the question.   Marcas = y, Luke = y, Shane = y, Mark = y, Mary = y, Chris Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Luke.  Second Marcas to accept the minutes from the March 5, 2024 council meeting as presented.   Shane called for the question.   Luke = y, Marcas = y, Shane = y, Mark = y, Mary = y, Chris = y,  Passed 6 yes.

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence: 

Received Mayors Court pay in and bank statement.

Statement –  Previous 2 weeks have had 4 village related meetings. 

Presented a Proclamation to Norm VanTilburg at the Shanes Crossing Historical Society meeting.  Norm is stepping down as President and has handed leadership to Mike Schumm.   Norm has been the President for the past 25 years — we appreciate his vision and leadership in preserving our local history.     Mike Schumm will be taking the President position and Brad Now has volunteered to take the Vice President position. 

Held a Ribbon cutting for a new business inside a business..  Hang Over Brews is a new event venue inside Second Crossing.  Congratulations on this new business!

Spring brings warmer weather and we encourage everyone to enjoy being outside.  Please be considerate – cleaning up trash and disposing of it properly and make sure you are cleaning up dog waste.  Please be respectful of others, especially at the park.   Be alter to weather conditions.  Look, listen and be aware of – the sudden changes and dangerous situations.    Please — if we have an emergency situation – stay home and stay off the roadways so that emergency personnel can do their job.   There is plenty of time the following days to drive around and look at damages.    Have a nice and safe spring season.

Upcoming Community information & events:

March 26,27,28 – Village Office closed —- (Continuing Education)

March 29th – Village office closed – Good Friday

March 29 – Rockford Community – Good Friday Service – Community Building at 7 pm

March – 30 – Shanes Park Easter Egg Hunt – 1 pm   (Volunteers and donations needed – contact Amy Joseph or Sandy Schaffner)

April 6 – Lions Club Quarter Auction – Community Building

Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple  

We have paid the deposit (35%) for the sewer pond cover.  Should be here by the end of June.    Have also purchase a supply of deodorizer to use in the meantime if necessary.  It’s a mask to cover odors but will last approx. 48 hours.  Purchase a herbicide to take care of the duckweed problems that are plugging up equipment. 

Plan to start the GSI / Lead programming April 1st — so residents know that we will be in the yard logging set points and water meter information into the program. 

Electric has been pulled at the South Water Tower so we are ready for AES to hook up and that project should be finished.

Met with contractors regarding the new athletic facility.  They have decided to use the entrance between the baseball diamond and football field to access the building site.   They will be required to repair any damages.

Emergency warning system — not rotating.  We are working on getting quotes for refurbishing the sirens or the possible need to purchase new.   The system has been there – we think – since about 1995.    Will be gathering information and will schedule a meeting with safety committee and the fire chief.  We have some concerns over radio traffic needs and we could potentially need a second siren – with all this being said costs could run to $50,000. 

Committee Reports:

Finance Committee:  Shane Young

Motion Mary to pay the bills as presented  $100,801.20.  Second Marcas.  Luke called for the question.   Mary – y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mark = y, Shane = y, Chris = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Mark to approve Mayors Court Pay in $ 167 .  Second Chris. 

Marcas called for the question.   Mark = y, Chris = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Shane = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Would like to meet with the Finance Committee to give out some insurance information right after this meeting.

Rules Committee:    Mark Heitkamp

Subdivision Variance discussion –    Some requirements have not been met and the owners are requesting a variance.    Several council members voiced concerns that everyone else has met the covenants.  And if we approve the variance – then the other owners will not be happy.    Council homework —  will be voting on this at the next council meeting.   Review the paperwork, talk to the residents of the subdivision and come back with recommendations.   If the variance does not go through there are some reasonable ways to fix the problems.   The covenants state that the approval should be 50% of the residents AND Council.

Service Committee:   Mary Beougher –

Motion Mary.  Second Marcas to approve the DORA to be open during the April 8th eclipse day.  Mark called for the question.   Mary = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Shane = y, Chris = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp

Economic Development Committee:  Marcas Heitkamp

RADC –   Next meeting – March 25th at 7 pm – Rockford Library basement  – open to the public.

Public Utilities Committee:   Luke Stephenson

The new electric aggregation contract will begin in May (June billing),  with supplier Energy Harbor.    The new rate will be $0.0607 and the contract will end December 2025. 

Old Business:            

Visitors to Address Council:  

Brody Reigle – Boy Scout Troop #98 – Eagle Scout Project – would like to build a project at Shanes Park.   Following in the footsteps of his dad and uncle who built the bridge and gazebo for their Eagle Scout Project.   Need 100 hours of work that includes presentation, soliciting the funds and building the project.   Council suggested building a Shelter House at the pond that has been discussed but has been put aside for the community building improvements.   Brody is very interested in this project and will be meeting with Aaron to come up with some details regarding the size, concrete pad and low maintenance.     Once these details have been resolved,  Brody will come back to council to present a couple different designs for council to approve.   This can run through the service committee.  Has 3 years to finish the project but planning to get in motion and have this done for this summer season.    Wow !   Thank you for choosing Shanes Park for your Eagle Scout project !

New Business:

Make sure you are getting prepared for the eclipse day – Monday – April 8th, 2024.  The Mercer County Emergency Management has put out some information – they are expecting 100’s of thousands of people to be in this area over that weekend.    There will be much traffic coming through  and cell service could be limited or not working at all.

Meeting adjourned   7:58      pm

_________________________                      _________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer