Meeting Minutes: May 14, 2015
May 20, 2015
Marie Miller – Chamber President called the meeting to order at 8 am on
May 14th at the Rockford Village Hall.
Lisa read the April minutes. Motion Dan. Second Grover – All approved.
Lisa read the financial report. Motion Mary. Second Nancy – All Approved.
Dan Henkle gave a report from the Medical / Dental Procurement Board.
The board began in 1972 as a way to raise money to get a dentist to Rockford. This account was also used as a revolving loan program for students going into the medical field after high school graduation. The board is wanting to disband as the funds are not being utilitzed. There is some loan funds that still need to be paid. The board would like to donate the account funds and is looking for some ideas.
Several ideas were presented such as a scholarship fund being administered by the Leota Braun Foundation, the Rockford Mural project, or maybe purchasing lot next to village office for a park area. Dan will take suggestions to the committee and get back with us.
We will continue with the Welcome to Rockford sign plans for 118 North.
Marie will be doing some ad spots for the Rockford Chamber on WRKD.
Congratulations to Rockford United Methodist Church for being the May Member of the Month.
Congratulations to Caleb Heindel for being selected as the Chamber Scholarship recipient. Caleb is going to be studying to be a physician assistant.
FUN Challenge coming along. Mary to work on some bags for promotional give away. Might be able to get some donated from Mercer Health. We will need at least 50.
Survey results – only 2 have come back. Need to resend via email to see if we get more results.
Save local now – on hold until July. Businesses are able to set up information themselves. We will be working with those who have not got it figured out yet.
The Boys Scouts will be using the Chamber ice cream machine during Community Days. Please support their efforts !
We will be updating the phone list.
We want to get help from the RADC and the Village on the new brochures. We will include more of their information in turn for their helping with costs of printing.
Nancy has volunteered to help with volunteer recruitment when needed.
There are people willing to help they just don’t want to go to meetings.
There is a meeting scheduled on Monday – May 18th at the Rockford Belle with a guest speaker about town preservation. All are welcome to attend.
Marie reviewed web stats. We have 1,000 views in April. We are at 364 likes on Facebook. Please ‘like us’ to keep updated on information. A majority going directly from facebook to web site. Help us — Like and SHARE our information !
There will be a seminar on June 15th to discuss Elderly Abuse Awareness. Mary to get us information to share.
We have thoughts about rotating meeting places to get more businesses involved. More discussions on that topic at a later time.
Motion to adjourn.