Meeting Minutes: October 4, 2022

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Meeting Minutes: October 4, 2022

Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph, Tuesday, October 4, 2022

at 7:30 pm.

Invocation –    Ron Searight

Pledge of Allegiance

Those present:   Ron Searight, Luke Stephenson, Mary Beougher,

Rick Shindeldecker,  Chris Heitkamp.  Jessica Yoder – absent

Also attending:   Srgt Stetler, Robbie Peel, Sandy Schaffner, Marge Gehle,

Chief May, Tom Beahrs, Mr. Randy Grapner- County Auditor, Mr Dave Wolters – County Treasurer, County Sheriff – Mr. Jeff Grey and Erin G of the Daily Standard.

Motion Searight.  Second Shindeldecker to accept the agenda as orders of the day

Beougher called for the question.  Searight = y, Shindeldecker = y, Beougher = y,

Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Searight.  Second Stephenson to accept the minutes from the September 20, 2022 council meeting as presented.  Heitkamp called for the question.  

Searight = y, Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y, Beougher =  y, Shindeldecker = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Visitors to Address Council:

Mercer County Sheriff – Jeff Grey, Mr. Randy Grapner- County Auditor,

Mr Dave Wolters – County Treasurer

Sheriff Grey addressed council with information regarding the Jail sales tax that will be on the ballot on November 8th.   The original levy was for building, furnishing and operating the jail for 15 years which will soon expire.  Maintenance fees for such items HAVC and a replacement roof will soon be needed.  The jail books in 1,263 low level inmates per year and 912 felony inmates.  The department is never closed – we always have someone working is the reason for the sheriff’s office operating costs more than your local government offices.    The cost estimates to operate is  5.2 million and of that 3.9 million is wages and benefits for employees.    If the levy doesn’t pass we will have to reduce staff and enforcement services will have slower response times.

Auditor Grapner then addressed council with some financial information – that the current levy estimates to bring in 3.5 million and the rest comes from the Mercer County General Fund.  

Treasurer Wolters spoke that it’s a sales tax so that everyone helps pay for the Sheriff’s Office not just property owners or based on income taxes.  We have a lot of tourism that helps pay these costs.  7.25% sales tax vs. 6.75% sales tax is costing an additional 50 cents per $100 in sales tax that generates 3.5 million to operate the jail.    This is not an increase of current rates as the rate would stay the same.  This is a 10 year levy.    This passage is important to maintain our essential public services and maintain our Mercer County quality of life.

Thank you for your time. 

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence: 

Received an email from Jessica Yoder that she is resigning her council seat –

Took effect Monday – October 3rd.

Community Announcements and events:

October 29 –   Chamber Fall Fest 10 am- 3 pm  / Trick or Treat 5-6:30 pm  costume judging – 7 pm

November 4th – St. Teresa Chili Supper – Community building

November 5th – Night at the Races –  Community building

November 8th – General Election – Community building

November 26th – Small Business Saturday

Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple  –

Water Tower plans moving as scheduled.  We had some feedback online about water rates increasing.    We have been planning this for several years.  When we did estimates back in 2019 the project cost would have been around $750,000.  We received a grant for $850,000 and that would have covered the cost, but here we are in times of  -high inflation and increased costs so the costs have nearly doubled. 

In our finance committee meetings we did discuss different rate structures but in the ended agreed with a $20 per user fee.   The overage amounts stay the same with no additional cost there. 

Franklin Street – funding application submitted and should be back by May with an additional funding application to be submitted.  Completion date is 2025 you can see how long it takes to get plans, funding and projects completed.  It takes years of planning a lot of paperwork and a lot of waiting.

Trees along Main Street have been removed so hopefully truck drivers have better visibility.

Looking to get back to park project – a solid 2 days and we should have the rocks / landscaping completed.

Splash pad is closed but the restrooms remain open for now.

We are working on the street light issues — please  – if you have a light out report to the village office the number on the pole and the nearest address.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee:   Ron SearightPresident

Motion Shindeldecker. Second Stephenson to pay the bills as presented – $22,513.70.       Heitkamp called for the question.    Shindeldecker = y, Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Beougher = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Stephenson to approve the monthly financial reports.  Second Shindeldecker.  Searight called for the question.  Stephenson = y, Shindeldecker = y, Searight = y, Beougher = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,

Budget vs Actual activity report, Bank statement, comparison report for the water, sewer, and income tax.

Motion Stephenson to approve supplemental appropriations to date.  Second Shindeldecker.  Beougher called for the question.   Stephenson = y, Shindeldecker = y, Beougher = y, Searight = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Stephenson to approve 4th quarter blanket certificates and additional purchase orders.   Second Shindeldecker.  Heitkamp called for the question.  Stephenson = y, Shindeldecker =  y, Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Beougher = y.  Passed 5 yes.

The next finance committee meeting will be held on October 12th at 7 pm.

Service Committee:   Mary Beougher

Checked on 5 businesses —  had no questions or concerns.

When will Main street be lined with parking spaces — The village doing the work once the paint arrives.

Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp

Concerns at 118 / 33 travelers coming from the North — not stopping  —-anything we can do at that intersection ?

Economic Development Committee:  Rick Shindeldecker

Nothing new — reminders

Shanes Crossing Subdivision – 5 Lots left for sale – contact Tammy Cheek with Homes at Ohio’s Edge Realty.        

New Business – Opportunity in Rockford, Ohio – 

Corner of Main Street and Columbia Street call RCS Construction

at 419-586-9367. 

Public Utilities Committee:   Luke Stephenson –   

Base water rate increase from $33 to $53

Ordinance 09-22


(January 1, 2023 – first billing on February 1, 2023 for January services)

1st reading – 09/20/2022

2nd reading – 10/04/2022

WRKD updates –     ordered several new banners with the new logo – should arrive yet this week.   Finances look good and we will be having a meeting to discuss some capital improvements.

Rules Committee:   

Old Business:

Motion Searight.  Second Shindeldecker to go into Executive Session for Personnel.  Heitkamp called for the question.  Searight = y, Shindeldecker = y, Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Time – 8:01 pm

Motion Shindeldecker.  Second Searight to come out of Executive Session.  Beougher called for the question.  Shindeldecker = y, Searight = y, Beougher = y, Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 5 yes.  Time – 9:10 pm

No action taken.

New Business:

Meeting adjourned   9:11 pm 

_________________________                      _________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer