Shanes Crossing Chronicle, July 1998

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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, July 1998


It has been a few months since the last newsletter. It seems that when I think I will be able to sit down and write the letter the “crew” working on the log house wants me to help them. In March the first log was laid for this project and just about every good day since then there has been some work done. Bob Beerbower has been there about everyday and solving the different problems that only a good engineer with a sharp pencil can solve. Roy Thompson spent many days on the project and donated the use of his backhoe when needed. Bill Now has also spent many days helping with his chainsaw and showing his “expertise” in notching logs. Al Heitkamp, a non-member, has also been faithful, even though he was injured the first day. We want to thank these fellows and others who have helped as their time allows them.

We are about ready to put the roof on. The chimney work has been contracted, and work should begin shortly. We still need someone to build windows and help on the doors.

To finish the log house project we will be spending large amounts of money on the roof and fireplace, and we still need funds to complete the house and grounds surrounding. We know many of you have donated generously, and we have heard that some of our members wish to still donate. Please contact Norm VanTilburg. We thank all that who have donated to this project which will help preserve the Shanes Crossing heritage.

Another exciting event that happened since the last newsletter was our historical display at Rockford Community Days. The number of visitors was high, and we hope it inspired many to help with the society. Some visitors commented that they had items they could display next year. Contact me to reserve a space.

During community days Jack Smith, a former resident of Rockford and descendent of William B. Hedges, gave the society some papers that belonged to William Hedges, including his last will and testament. We have made a copy of the will and placed the original in the safe deposit box. At next year’s display, we wish to have a display honoring William Hedges.

Since that donation, we have received two hats with the Kohn & Williams emblem shown on the inside of each. In addition, a WPA shovel was donated. We have also had numerous pictures of past Rockford events donated. We are keeping all of these items with the hope of someday opening a building for public display. If you have any items in your closets, garage, barn, attic, dresser drawers, etc. that may you may think are junk, we will gladly take them off your hands.

We still have a few members who have not paid their 1998 dues. Why not sign up your family members, too, so you can keep abreast of the happenings of the society.

The next meeting will be September, 1998, on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM at the First United Methodist Church.