Shanes Crossing Chronicle, July 1999

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Shanes Crossing Chronicle, July 1999


The Shanes Crossing Historical Society reports that its effort to commemorate the Rockford Area’s W.W.II Veterans, during Rockford Days (June 18-20, 1999) was a great success. We had many visitors from near and far. Thank-yous go out to Mike Bruns, who spent many hours preparing for this event, as well as the willingness of the Veterans and their families to share their mementos with the community.

All branches of the service were represented in pictures, uniforms, guns and miscellaneous memorabilia brought from that great conflict. We would have liked to have had a memento from every person who participated in W.W.II, but none are forgotten for their sacrifices for us. Many Veterans lingered in the Shanes Park Community Building to reminisce of the difficult time. We were also pleased to hear that some had not spent much time, over the years, talking about their experiences. This event seemed to add some closure for them. In an effort not to neglect mentioning anyone, we will not list the names of all the volunteers that helped prepare and run this event, but much thanks goes out to them. We also appreciated all those who assisted in having our log home open for tours. The memorabilia on display added to the charm of the cabin. In addition, many thanks go out to Connie Sell and the SCHS members who donated to, planned and planted the fragrant herb garden adjacent to the log cabin. A wonderful “map” of the garden layout, complete with descriptive uses for the herbs, delighted many. Nothing is possible without the support of the community and many, many thanks go out to all those who took the time to honor their families, neighbors and friends by visiting the W.W.II display and the log home.