2017 Budget Hearing – 06/21/16

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2017 Budget Hearing – 06/21/16

2017 Budget Hearing called to order by Village Administrator, Jeff Long on

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.


Present: Jeff Long, John Dooley, Greg Pontsler, Rob Rutledge, Lisa Kuhn


Budget presented as a prelimary budget that is basically the same as last year. We will begin with 3rd quarter numbers to project the final 2017 Budget.  We will begin meeting in early of the 4th quarter to review information.


We are not in bad shape. Things are looking ok.  Discussion on some upcoming expenses, Police Department vehicle payments, swapping out the red truck to

A & A Greenhouse for some needed landscaping around the new Shane Hall.


Discussed the park grant and some additional walkways that will be done. We received another grant in the amount of $80,000 for playground equipment.


Need to do some finishing touches at Shane Hall. Working with the EPA on the sewer plant upgrades.  We will be in better financial shape if we can hold off the upgrades to 2017 when some of the debt service comes off.




Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM