Meeting Minutes: June 21,2016

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Meeting Minutes: June 21,2016

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:


Council called to order by President John Dooley on

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.


Invocation was given by Jeff Long


Pledge of Allegiance


Those present: Rutledge, Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp

Gehle and Fox absent


Also attending: Jeff Long, Srgt Stetler and Claire Geisige of the Daily Standard


Motion Rutledge. Second Pontsler to accept the agenda as orders of the day.  Heitkamp called for the question.  Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y , Heitkamp = y, Dooley = y.  Passed 4 yes.


Motion Rutledge Second Heitkamp to accept the minutes from the

June 7, 2016 council meetings as presented. Pontsler called for the question.

Rutledge = y, Heitkamp = y, Pontsler = y, Dooley = y. Passed 4 yes.


Visitors to Address Council:


Mayor’s Report and Correspondence by John Dooley:


We need some volunteers for the Tree Commission Board – please contact the Village office if interested.


Noted receipt and review of Mayors Court pay in, May bank reconciliation, and bank statement.



Upcoming Community events:


Shanes Park – Summer Lunch in the Park to be held rain or shine on Wednesdays beginning June 15th – August 17th.  Sponsored by the Parkway Ministerial Assocation.  Any and all welcome !


August 6th – 7th Annual Sock Hop & Cruise in – The Rockford Belle – 4pm


August 7th – Lima Area Concert Band – Parkway High School – 3 pm


October 2nd – Beanfest – Live Music All Day @ Shanes Park! 11:30 am – 5 pm





Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long


Items to be discussed in committee reports.



Committee Reports


Finance Committee – Steve Gehle absent.  By Rob Rutledge


Motion Pontsler to pay bills as submitted in the amount of $135,331.70 Second Heitkamp.  Rutledge called for the question.  Most of the bills are loan payments.

Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Rutledge = y, Dooley = y. Passed 4 yes.


Motion Pontsler. Second Heitkamp to accept the Mayors Court Pay in of $1175.00.  Rutledge called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y,  Rutledge = y,  Dooley = y.  Passed 4 yes.







1st reading – 06/07/16

2nd reading 06/21/16


2017 Budget hearing held before council – no public attendance.



Service Committee:   Greg Pontsler


Some of the pot holes have been patched but not all. We got Market St. done before the Car Show and put some left over asphalt down behind the Carry Out.  There are more pot holes that need to be worked on.



Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp – nothing


Economic Development Committee: Rob Rutledge  


Motion Rutledge. Second Pontsler to go into Executive session regarding property.  7:36 pm.  Heitkamp called for the question.  Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Dooley = y.  Passed 4 yes.


Motion Pontsler. Second Heitkamp to come out of Executive Session at 7:56 pm.  Rutledge called for the question.  Ponstler = y, Heitkamp = y, Rutledge = y, Dooley = y.  Passed 4 yes.


Action taken:


Motion Rutledge. Second Heitkamp to give Rob authority to make an offer on the trailer park with agreed upon criteria for purchase.  Ponstler called for the question.  Rutledge = y, Heitkamp = y, Pontsler = y, Dooley = y.  Passed 4 yes.


Public Utilities Committee:   Wilbur Fox – absent


Rules Committee:      John Dooley  – nothing


Old Business


Subdivision update: Council took the field trip to Coldwater with members of the United Methodist Church.  Everything looked nice and clean.   No odor was present except the smell of feed.  Dooley went to Coldwater with a negative attitude but came back very positive.  We have 2 definite people interested in purchasing lots.  We will discuss at the next council meeting to get all views before moving forward.  Steve went on the field trip so we would like to get his opinion also.  Jeff will continue to work on some hard cost figures and have those at the next meeting also.


The Rockford United Methodist church voted on Sunday after the field trip to purchase 5 acres west of the subdivision. They had a 75% in agreement to go ahead.  This would change some of the layout in that a culd a sac may be made into a throughway to the church giving them another entrance/ exit route.


Motion Rutledge, Second Pontsler to cancel the July 5th council meeting.  Heitkamp called for the question.  Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y,  Dooley = y.  Passed 4 yes.



New Business


Srgt Stetler will get with Jeff on some needed mph signs on West Market St.




Meeting adjourned 8:06.



____________________________                _____________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal Officer