Meeting Minutes: April 19, 2016

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Meeting Minutes: April 19, 2016

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:


Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.


Invocation was given by Jeff Long


Pledge of Allegiance


Those present: Gehle, Rutledge, Fox, Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp


Also attending: Jeff Long and Srgt Stetler, Claire Geisige of the Daily Standard,

Adam Saunders


Motion Fox. Second Gehle to accept the agenda as orders of the day.  Dooley called for the question.  Fox – y, Gehle = y, Dooley = y, Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.


Motion Gehle. Second Pontsler  to accept the minutes from the

April 5, 2016 council meetings as presented. Fox called for the question.

Gehle = y, Pontsler = y, Fox = y, Rutledge = y, Dooley = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.


Visitors to Address Council:


Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:


Received and reviewed the March:   Mayors Court pay in,

bank reconciliation, and bank statement .



Upcoming Community events:


May 7th – Tire Amnesty Day – Mercer County Fairgrounds – 9 am = 1 pm

Contact 419-586-3695 for more information.


Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long


New Shane Hall is coming along – basically the inside is done and we need to finish the outside details. Looks good.   The Village would like to thank the State of Ohio for awarding us this grant.  The Village would also like to thank those that gave generous donations that have helped in the building of the New Shane Hall.   More good news – The Village was awarded another park grant in the amount of $80,000 which will be used for updated playground equipment and a safety surface.  This will be done next year.    We are very grateful to Senator Keith Faber,  Representative Jim Buchy and Jerry Ebbing of the Mercer County Economic Development with their help with in awarding of this grant.  We are very thankful.


The allys are in bad shape and we will begin to work on them. We will be hauling stone.  In some places we will be using a little bigger stone .


We will be checking on the ally near the old colonial nursing home and see what if anything can be done – it may be private property. The idea suggested would be to make that a one way ally as it seems it gets misused by people trying to short cut the 4-way stop.


We will be meeting with the engineers to get the final plot layout for the sub division.


We have filled out the information to get summer help from Job & Family Services. We have plenty of work !



Committee Reports


Finance Committee – Steve Gehle


Motion Fox. Second Dooley  to approve bills submitted in the amount of $27,637.51  Gehle called for the question.  Fox = y, Dooley = y, Gehle = y, Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.


Motion Pontsler to accept the Mayors Court pay in of $1031.00. Second Rutledge.  Fox called the question.  Pontsler = y, Rutledge = y, Fox = y, Gehle = y, Dooley = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.


The Finance committee met before the council meeting to discuss the $50,000 that is coming back as a reimbursement from the State. We need to disperse the

amounts back in the original accounts then we will review and make recommendations on how much we need to transfer to the sub division fund so we can begin working on the project. There will be another meeting on May 3 at 7 pm.



Service Committee:   Greg Pontsler  


Brought up some problem areas on Market Street.  Also behind the Library and Rockford Carry Out where it was dug up several years ago – needs some asphalt.






Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp


Update on clean up project – we have given several tickets. A majority have complied.  We are working with several individuals that have a work in process that will take some time to get done.  Also noted that there are some tires behind the water plant that have been there for some time.  They actually belong to the school.  Jeff to contact someone to get them cleaned up.  Remind residents of the tire Amnesty day for Mercer county is May 7th.



Economic Development Committee: Rob Rutledge  – nothing


Public Utilities Committee:   Wilbur Fox – nothing


Rules Committee:      John Dooley  


The Rules committee will have a meeting on May 17th at 7 pm to discuss ideas to get the ordinances in an easy to access version on the web site.



Old Business





New Business





Meeting adjourned 7:51.



____________________________                _____________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal Officer