Meeting Minutes: April 14, 2016

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Meeting Minutes: April 14, 2016

April 18, 2016



Mary Beougher brought the meeting to order at 8 am at the Rockford Village Hall. There were 9 members present.


Minutes from the March meeting were read and approved.


The Chamber via the Crime Awareness Fund was able to donate $706 to the Rockford Police to purchase body cams. Since the funds are in the Leota Braun Foundation we need to follow our guidelines of not using more than 10% of the fund each year.


We discussed the idea of having a dunk tank during Community Days. We would have Chief May, Srgt Stetler and Sheriff Grey involved.  Ashley Stetler said she would be willing to help.  Mary to get some information.  We would need to give the details to the Community Days Committee to be put on their schedule of events along with those being dunked !


Mary Beougher and Ralph Ritz discussed the idea of continuing the Gospel Bean Bake with the help of the Chamber. The name of the event would be changed to Rockford Bean Bake but the idea of a Sunday afternoon with music would stay the same.  The Chamber members agreed to this.  The Willow is willing to donate the needed beans. Cornbread, and bowls.  We will talk to the Parkway Ministerial to see if they would be interested in partnering with us to help provide music and volunteers.   The original date was July 10th but we are thinking of moving to a fall date.  Lisa to contact Larry Seibert to find out if the Grand Lake Symphony would be interested in this event.  In the past, Mike Bruns handled the sound and sang 1st then came back to help with clean up.


We discussed using the Ice Cream Machine for the Sock Hop in August.


We will be printing the phone directory next week. The officers and Marie will meet regarding the next directory.  Deadline for content the end of May.  This will be called the 2016/2017 directory with the idea that we will be changing our membership by 1 month each of the next 3 years to get on a jan-dec membership year instead of April – March year.


Jamie Green volunteered to the be Chamber representative to interview for the Chamber Scholarship on April 28th at 8:30 am.    Mary will present the award at the May Awards night.


Picket Fence will be moving their location to the Rockford Carry Out and Dining. The dining area has been split in to two sections.


The next bicentennial meeting will be on May 2nd – need logo information for the directory.


Nancy reported that there are several ladies wanting to start up a daycare. They are in need of a good location.  Marie also suggested they contact the Wright State Business Enterprise Center as they have good resources on new businesses.


Chamber members decided not to receive the monthly web statics from Brand It Marketing.


There were some other requests for donations that will be discussed at the next meeting.


Meeting adjourned.