Meeting Minutes: April 21, 2009

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Meeting Minutes: April 21, 2009


Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 7:00 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.

Invocation was given by Gene Steiner Pledge of Allegiance

Those present: Gehle, Steiner, McKee, Searight ,
Pontsler – absent, Rutledge-absent
Also attending: Judy Koesters, Jeff Long, Sergeant Stetler

Motion Steiner. Second Searight to accept Agenda as Orders of the Day. Gehle called for the question. Steiner = y, Searight = y, Gehle = y, McKee = y. Passed 4 yes.

Motion: McKee. Second Gehle to accept the minutes from the
April 7, 2009 as submitted by the Fiscal Officer. Steiner called for the question. McKee= y, Gehle = y, Steiner = y, Searight = y.
Passed 4 yes.

Visitors to Address Council:

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:

Thank you note from Velone Bricker to maintenance crew for fixing the catch basin next to drive.

Invitation to St. Marys Dedication of the St. Marys Important Bird Area, Wednesday, May 6th at 2pm. St. Marys Memorial Park. Exhibits & Refreshments.

Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long

1. Review of South Main Street Project:

A. Storm sewer is nearly complete and road excavation will begin. B. Pre construction meeting for the enhancement part of the South

Main Street project was held on Monday.

2. Meyers Trailer Court. I contacted Steve Meyers and he is to get me a schedule of improvements to be made.

  1. Tom Beahrs found out last Friday that he has a double hernia and had surgery on Monday. He will be off work 4 – 6 weeks.
  2. Will attend meeting on April 23 of the count e-Community Leadership Team which will be working meeting beginning the benchmarking assessment of broadband and technology applications in the county.
  3. Many complaints about vehicles traveling the dead end portions of West Walnut Street and South Franklin St. Both are now signed as dead end streets.
  4. Parking blocked at Community Building sidewalk to gazebo as requested.

Todd McKee requested that we start looking at next year’s budget. Interest rates have gone from 4% down to .7% and income taxes are down.

Committee Reports:

Finance Committee: Todd McKee

Motion Searight , Second Gehle to pay bills in the amount of $44,085.26 as submitted by the Fiscal Officer. Steiner called for the question. Searight = y, Gehle = y, Steiner = y, McKee = y. Passed 4 yes.

Service Committee: Steve Gehle

Service Committee Meeting held on April 14th. Discussed the following items: Rockford Village residents Clean up Day.

  1. May 9th, 2009 from 6 am – 12:00 noon is the scheduled time.
  2. Items that will not be allowed are: concrete, yard waste, hazardous waste,paint and tires.
  3. Have a clipboard with statement of certification that all trash is fromwithin the Village limits and have each person delivering trash sign the

    form. Also need to have a water bill to show residency.

  4. A pickup will be on site to receive clothes that may be donated to charity.
  5. Need to submit and article to Parkway Independent and Photo Starconcerning trash clean up event. (press release).
  6. Have the date on the next water billing.
  7. Will ask the Police to watch to make sure every thing runs smoothly.
  8. Employees will help with elderly that have items for pick up. They willneed to call 419-363-3032 ext. 1 before hand to make an appointment.

Safety Committee: Kathy Rutledge – absent

Economic Development Committee: Eugene Steiner

Economic Development Committee meeting held on April 13th. Discussed the following items:

Reviewed surveys that village has received back. Gene reviewed Chamber of Commerce members and was surprised at the number of retail establishments, Barry’s Market, TJ’s, Clark Station, and Olde Rockford Hardware are the only retailers. Most surveys called for retail along the line of Dollar General. Gene stated last quarter Wal-mart sales up 1.4% while Dollar General sales up 30%. Gene has a contact with Dollar General and will be in discussion on possibilities for us to have a store locate here. The survey also shows the want of a sit down restaurant. Discussion was held as the need for entrepreneurs to start up business and for us to do a one stop shop for them to gain information.

Report on RADC Meeting on April 16th. Items discussed:

Brought up Council concerns regarding meeting quarterly rather than monthly. RADC will be reviewing concerns and get back with us.

Number of upcoming events to be held as Pool fund raisers:
November 2 – Elvis Jr. will be giving 2 concerts with a meal in between.

Community Days: there will be a pie throwing contest and a meal after the Sunday Services. Pork Chop on a stick.

The upcoming Prime Diners luncheon (Laurels) will donate their proceeds to the Pool fund.

The following committees have been formed in the RADC: Business Attraction and Retention
Marketing and Public Relations

Infrastructure and community development By laws, Governance, and Membership.

Each committee is to meeting monthly and report to the President.

On May 14th at 7 pm will be a meeting of the Business Directors and on May 21st at 7:30 pm will be a meeting with the Marketing and Public Relations. These meetings are open to the public and also open to those seeking membership.

Public Utilities Committee: Greg Pontsler – absent

Rules Committee: Ron Searight

Rules Committee held a meeting on April 14th. Items discussed:

Official’s attendance of meetings.

  1. Discussion to amend Rules of Council to require attendance of 2/3 ofquarterly Council Meetings. There are 6 regularly scheduled meetings per quarter thus requiring attendance of a minimum of 4 meetings, unless member has been officially excused by vote of Council.
  2. Each committee shall meet at least once per quarter and report to Council the minutes of that meeting.


  • 1ST reading 04/21/09

Also discussed returned the Council Meeting time back to 7:30pm.

Motion Gehle, Second Steiner to return Council Meeting back to 7:30 pm. McKee called for the question. Gehle = y, Steiner = y, McKee = y, Searight = y. Passed 4 yes.

Starting with the next meeting May 5th, Council Meetings will begin at 7:30 pm.

Old Business:

New Business:


Meeting adjourned 7:25 pm.