Meeting Minutes: April 9, 2015

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Meeting Minutes: April 9, 2015

Marie Miller  – Chamber President called the meeting to order at 8 am on

April 9th at the Rockford Village Hall.


John Dooley gave a presentation on the Principles in Leadership Seminar that will be held at the Rockford Community Building on June 12th at 6 pm.  This seminar in a Leadership by Example and can be used in all walks of life.  We are all leaders in various ways.  In order to better our community for future generations we need to make good decisions day to day and build a good foundation.  Bring your friends, your co workers and your neighbors.  Everyone can benefit !  This is a FREE seminar brought to by servants that enjoy sharing information and making the world a better place.


Minutes were read and approved – Motion Lisa. Second Marie.  All approved.


Congratulations to SUBWAY – the April Business of the Month.  The presentation will be on Friday at 9 am.


We have concluded our Chamber  membership drive for 2015.  We will begin to get the phone directories , booklets , and web site updated.    In the future, we will begin sending out emails from Rockford Chamber – account  so we can track who is opening emails.


We have also mailed a survey regarding dates and times of meetings.  We need everyone’s feedback.  If we need to change the meeting dates and times to accommodate more people and get more involvement then  that’s what needs to happen.  Your FEEDBACK is very important !!


Save Local Now – Lisa and Marie had some training this week and we will begin to work towards scheduling a training session with businesses.  This is something you can do on your own if you wish.  This is a FREE benefit to our businesses with free marketing and promotional tools to increase business information on the web.

The link is:


The Chamber FUN Challenge will be held on June 20th at 10 am at Shanes Park.  We need businesses to sponsor an activity, sponsor a team and help with door prizes.  Leah, Twyla, and Marie have formed a committee and will be getting the sign up forms ready and be contacting businesses.  We had 20 teams last year and we are looking to increase the participation this year.  We also have a GOLF Cart race which was started last year.  Everyone had FUN with that and even decorated their carts up for the race.  April early registration is $40 after May 1st it will be $50 per team and $60 on the day of the race.  Winners earn CASH prizes and everyone is eligible for door prizes.


We will be looking to the Village and the RADC to help us with the directory printing costs this year.  We will be including more Village information and RADC information into the directory with their partnership.


Flower Power Fund Raising is still going on until April 24th.


The Potters House has been painted and moved to the park.  The Village employees painted and has purchased some yard equipment to be kept in the building for park maintenance.


We are looking for Volunteers to Chair the following committees:  Marketing, Event Planning, Fundraising, Volunteer coordinating.


We are planning a fundraiser with Nana J’s BBQ – more details to come.


We need to find out scholarship interview date and presentation date and seek a volunteer to help with this.  Marti volunteered last year and may again this year.

Lisa to contact her.


We have some questions on the 118 North sign and another proposal to consider.


The Chamber has decided to support the radio station by buying some commercial time for the FUN Challenge at $25 per week.  We would advertise the last 2 weeks of May and the 1st week of June.


Marie has done a spot for WCSM for the Chamber on their Talk of the Town segment.


Motion to adjourn meeting.