Meeting Minutes: August 1, 2017

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Meeting Minutes: August 1, 2017

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:


Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on

Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.


Invocation by Jeff Long


Pledge of Allegiance


Those present: Gehle, Rutledge, Pontsler, Now,

Fox and Heitkamp absent.


Also attending: Jeff Long, Srgt Stetler, Tom Stankard of the Daily Standard.


Motion Rutledge. Second Now to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Gehle called for the question. Rutledge = y, Now = y, Gehle = y, Pontsler = y. Passed 4 yes.


Motion Gehle. Second Rutledge to accept the minutes from the

July 18, 2017 council meetings as presented. Pontsler called for the question. Gehle = y, Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Now = y. Passed 4 yes..


Visitors to Address Council:


Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:


Reminder the deadline to file paperwork for Council is August 9th at 4 pm.

Information can be picked up at the Board of Elections.


Community Announcements and events:


Parkway Ministerial sponsoring – Summer Lunch in the Parks – Rockford and Mendon – beginning Wednesday June 14th and each consecutive Wednesdays through August 16th.   Summer lunches provided by servants from various churches and held rain or shine. This is NOT a babysitting service.


The Larry Seibert Memorial Concert – featuring the Lima Area Concert band will be held on August 27th at 3pm at the Parkway High School Auditorium. Refreshments will be served after the concert. Adults $7 and Children 10-17 $5.   Proceeds benefit the Parkway High School Band.


Rockford Fire Department Chicken Dinner and Reverse Raffle –

September 9th


8th Annual – Sock Hop on Market St @ The Belle – September 9th


“Soup”er Concert in the Park – October 8th – Shanes Park 11:30 am


Rockford Chamber Banquet – October 23rd – Community Building


Request:   Anyone interested in heading up the Christmas at the Park decorating ?   Contact Village office.



Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long


The park is looking great – it’s one of our biggest assets. We continue to get compliments.


The Tastee will be doing some improvements tearing down the house and making the parking lot bigger. We have been asked about making some improvements to the ally. We will get some quotes and see what the costs would be. This will be a nice improvement on Main St.


Subdivision – coming along. We may be ready to flag lots by the end of the month. We will be getting signage.


Columbia St. – several projects to be completed.


Looks like we may be getting the Time Warner building at the park. We are looking into transferring all electric to that building and then tear down the old Shane Hall. That will make the park even more attractive. We will find out if the generator will be staying.


Looking at painting the water towers – cost would be approx. $100,000.


Jones building on Market St – getting quotes for tear down. Will be getting that information to the county.   He will still own property after the tear down.



Committee Reports


Finance Committee – Steve Gehle


Motion Pontsler to pay bills as submitted in the amount of $6353.94.  Second Now. Rutledge called for the question. Pontsler = y, Now = y, Rutledge = y, Gehle = y. Passed 4 yes.






Motion Now to approve the monthly financial reports –

Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,

Budget vs Actual activity report and Bank reconciliation. Second Rutledge. Pontsler called for the question. Now = y, Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Gehle = y. Passed 4 yes.



Motion Pontsler to approve the monthly transfers and supplemental appropriations to date.. Second Rutledge. Now called for the question. Pontsler = y, Rutledge = y, Now = y, Gehle = y. Passed 4 yes.


Motion Rutledge to approve the Peoples Bank Deposit agreement from 08/22/2017 through 08/22/2019.   Second Now. Pontsler called for the question. Rutledge = y, Now = y, Pontsler =y, Gehle = y. Passed 4 yes.


Audit for 2015/2016 has started. Auditors will be in house on Thursday.




Service Committee:   Greg Pontsler


Shanes Park – trash needs to be dumped Mondays and again before the weekend.


Many compliments on the new play equipment.



Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp – absent


Stop Signs ? Will need to order about 30.   We can rotate the older signs to some ally ways and put up new. Jeff to do a complete sign replacement assessment.



Economic Development Committee: Rob Rutledge


We will be submitting the ad to sell the Pearl St property –


The Village of Rockford, Ohio will receive sealed bids

for real estate owned by the Village of Rockford located at 507 W Pearl St.

Bids should be turned into the Village Office located at 151 E Columbia St., or

by mail at PO Box 282 – Attn: Real Estate Bid, Rockford, OH 45882


The real estate will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms are cash.

Once the purchase price has been paid in full, the Village will execute the

title of the property.


The Village Council has the right to reject any bids.

Bids will be opened at the council meeting on September 19 ,2017 at 7:30 pm.



Questions about the Trailer Park ?   We have seen improvement. Council would like to see the State report to see what still needs to be done.



Public Utilities Committee:  Wilbur Fox






1st reading 07/18/17

2nd reading – 08/01/17



Rules Committee:      Brad Now – nothing at this time.


Old Business


Village residents – We have 4 council seats on the ballot in November. If you would like to run for a seat. Information needs to be submitted to the Board of Elections by August 9th at 4 pm.


Radio station update – haven’t heard anything yet.



New Business


The Public is invited to the Tree Committee meeting on August 22nd at 6 pm. Stephanie Miller will be presenting the Tree City awards.


Looking at getting wifi at the park in a small area.





____________________________                _____________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal Officer



Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm.