Meeting Minutes: August 11, 2016
August 11, 2016
Mary Beougher brought the meeting to order at 8 am at the Rockford Village Hall.
Sock Hop information
* Approx $870 profit after all bills paid.
* We are selling leftover hot dogs and hamburger
* Considering changing the date to late September
* Consider getting High School cheerleaders and football players involved like in the past.
* Next year – extra help to set up, more tents for the crowd with tables and chairs, less food- cook slower.
Chamber Banquet – September 26th
* Will talk to Rockford Carry Out about catering – getting quotes for pork chops, chicken or ribs
* Considering music – maybe just background music instead of band.
Beanfest – October 2nd:
Christmas at the Park – November 27th
* Turning lights on at the end of the program – Grand Finale
* Saturday – October 15th – start decorating 10 am – noon each Saturday. Volunteers can go at 9 am to help set out everything to be done that day.
Upcoming event dates:
The Chamber Banquet – September 26th
The Rockford Bean Bake – October 2nd
Christmas at the Park – November 27th.
Meeting adjourned.