Meeting Minutes: August 13, 2015

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Meeting Minutes: August 13, 2015

August 19, 2015



Lisa Kuhn – Chamber Treasurer called the meeting to order at 8 am on

August 13, at the Rockford Village Hall.


Very informal meeting as only 5 members were present.


We reviewed the financial report given by Lisa.


Congratulations to Parkway for being the August Member of the Month.


Our Chamber Representative for the Mercer County Leadership Class will

Be Mary Beougher. Enjoy !   It’s a great class learning about all aspects of Mercer County.


42nd Annual Chamber Banquet will be held on October 26th at 6 pm – Rockford

Community Building. Jane Cozard and Mary Beougher said they would be

Willing to help.


Ryan Sipe working on Citizen of the Year.

Will talk to Marcia Ripley and Mike Bruns about Business of the Year.

(Nancy and Jane)

Speaker Ideas

Will check with Angie about catering – Lisa

Will check with Mike Bruns – Triad – providing music

Cost to increase to $20 per person

Invitations to be mailed mid September

RSVP – deadline October 2.


Christmas at the Park will be held on November. We will be setting some dates to help decorate the park,


Dan Henkle discussed the Medical/Dental Procurement Board. They will be meeting again soon. They are looking to set up a scholarship fund through the Leota Braun Foundation. These funds would be issued to students that have been accepted into med school. Wanting to make sure they are actually going into the medical field. The scholarship would be available to students in the 5th + year of college when other scholarships are usually unavailable.     Some of the funds may be used in the future when a doctor or dentist would be needed.


Dan and Lisa have been working on a letter that will be mailed to Al Brandt for permission of use of land on 118 North for a Welcome to Rockford sign.