Meeting Minutes: August 2, 2011

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Meeting Minutes: August 2, 2011


Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.

Invocation was given by Gene Steiner Pledge of Allegiance

Those present: Steiner, Hodge, Pontsler, Searight, Heitkamp. Gehle – absent

Also attending: Judy Koesters, Sergeant Stetler, Jeff Long, and Amy Kronenberger of the Daily Standard, Randy Schallenberg – later just observing.

Motion Steiner. Second Pontsler to accept Agenda as orders of the day. Searight called for the question. Steiner – y, Pontsler = y, Searight = y, Hodge = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 5 yes.

Motion: Searight Second Heitkamp to accept the minutes from the August 2, 2011 meeting as presented. Hodge called for the question. Searight = y, Heitkamp = y, Hodge = y, Steiner = y, Pontsler = y, Passed 5 yes.

Visitors to Address Council:

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:

Ohio Rural Community Assistance Program is holding a one-day workshop on how to save money on Community Energy Bills. To be held on September 8th in Reynoldsburg, OH cost $95 per person. Jeff will look into attending seminar.

Jeff and Amy attended the award ceremony last Wednesday. Rockford received the Ohio Department of Development 2011 Award for Excellence in Housing and Community Development. With the funds the Village reconstructed 2,250 linear feet of water main, 4,355 linear feet of curbs, 7,048 linear feet of sidewalks, 1,350 linear feet of water main, 3,050 linear feet of storm sewer, and 270 linear feet of sanitary sewer. In addition, two structures were demolished, utility poles relocated, fire hydrants were installed and improvements were made to the baseball field. The grant leveraged $1,544,697 of other public and private funds.

Jeff – Thank you to Council, Mayor, Mercer County and the citizens of Rockford for taking the time to fill out surveys that were needed to get the project moving. Plans were started in 2006 and project was finished in 2008.

Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long

Sidewalk assessments were due by August 1st. A spreadsheet will be done and taken to the County Auditor to put the rest of the assessments on the tax duplicate. We will receive this revenue over the next 10 years.

With there being some water shortages in some areas the wells have been checked. We have good wells and they are not lowering at all. We have a great resource to be thankful for. Our current usage has increased some, but with the new plant and well rehab that was done with the project we are good to go. Although we should never need it, there is more area to drill another well.

Waterline project still on track to begin this fall.

We need to begin to look at what streets might be redone next summer. We have 200,000 square feet in the project to work with – that is if we are awarded the OPWC grant in October.

Committee Reports:

Finance Committee – Steve Gehle- absent

Report given by Ron Searight

Motion Pontsler. Second Steiner to pay the bills as submitted by the
Fiscal Officer in the amount of $8,556.40. Searight called for the question. Pontsler = y, Steiner = y, Searight = y, Hodge = y, Heitkamp = y.
Passed 5 yes.

Motion Pontsler. Second Heitkamp to accept the Mayors Court pay in of $834.10. Searight called for the question. Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Steiner = y, Hodge = y, Passed 5 yes.

Service Committee: Gary Hodge

Water line project and sidewalk projects to begin this fall.

Question has been brought up regarding handicap parking on Main Street –
Ron Searight will look into this. May not be required, but it doesn’t mean we can have something out of courtesy.

Greg to Gary — would like someone to be sweeping out the shelter houses. Seems to be a lot of cigarette butts around. Gary will talk with Kim.
Jeff will put up some no smoking signs at the Shelter houses.

Safety Committee: Ron Searight

Safety Committee was held before Council at 7 pm. Discussed the Emergency Operation Plan. Have made the goal to have in place by Spring 2012. There are a lot of groups to be involved in this, so it will take some time to come together.

Also will be developing a HELP program – maybe get some volunteers from Churches, other organizations and individuals that would be willing to be on a list so that when someone needs help raking leaves or shoveling snow we have people that are willing to help others.

Economic Development Committee: Eugene Steiner

Jeff to look into the Ohio Job Development program that is used to redevelop downtown districts.

Light on the Industrial park sign is in progress and should be done by this fall. The RADC will be putting up a new sign.

There will be an Economic Development Committee meeting after the next Council meeting on August 16th.

We will be setting up the 3rd quarter Town Hall Meeting at the next Council meeting. (We also need to schedule the Water Plant Open House and dedication.- from last minutes)

The RADC will be holding the first meeting of the new session on September 26th at 7 pm.

We will be having a ribbon cutting for our newest business Main Street Blues in August.

Public Utilities Committee: Greg Pontsler


  • 1st reading – 06/21/11
  • 2nd reading – 07/19/11
  • 3rd reading – 08/02/11

Motion Pontsler. Second Hodge. Steiner called for the question. Pontsler = y, Hodge = y, Steiner = y, Searight = y, Heitkamp = y, Passed 5 yes.

Updated water shut off letter – some thought it was to harsh. Starts with a Friendly Reminder that the water bill has not been paid.

Rules Committee: Chris Heitkamp

Nothing to report. Would like to schedule a Rules meeting before the next Council meeting on August 16th at 6 pm

Old Business

Gene to Lisa — did the employee Handbook get updated. Yes. Copies were given to each Council member to update their handbook.

Jeff to get with Rockfit regarding spouting. Weed issues are being handled.

Thanks to Village employees for mowing the South Main St property that had weeds.

New Business

Suggested to cancel the first meeting in September since it’s the day after Labor day. Was discussed and don’t see a need to cancel.

Greg reported that he has talked to several people that have come to visit the Splash Pad had never before been to Shanes Park. They were impressed with the park. A good asset to the Community.

There has been some on going work on the Splash pad with nozzles and pressure. We have turned everything down so therefore the water consumption will be down as well. Hours for the Splash Pad are 10 am – 9 pm currently, but will be cutting back as it gets dark earlier in the fall.


Meeting adjourned 8:04 pm.