Meeting Minutes: August 2, 2016
Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on
Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.
Invocation was given by Village Administrator Jeff Long.
Pledge of Allegiance
Those present: Gehle, Rutledge, Fox, Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp
Also attending: Jeff Long, Chief May, and Claire Geisige of the Daily Standard
Motion Gehle. Second Fox, to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Pontsler called for the question. Gehle = y, Fox = y, Pontsler = y, Rutledge = y, Dooley = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.
Motion Rutledge. Second Heitkamp to accept the minutes from the
July 19, 2016 council meetings as presented. Dooley called for the question.
Rutledge = y, Heitkamp = y, Dooley = y, Gehle = y, Fox = y, Pontsler = y. Passed 6 yes.
Visitors to Address Council:
Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:
We need at least 3 volunteers for the Tree Commission Board – please contact the Village office if interested.
Upcoming Community events:
Shanes Park – Summer Lunch in the Park to be held rain or shine on Wednesdays beginning June 15th – August 17th. Sponsored by the Parkway Ministerial Assocation. Any and all welcome !
August 6th – 7th Annual Sock Hop & Cruise in – The Rockford Belle – 4pm
Located on Market St. in downtown Rockford !
August 7th – Lima Area Concert Band – Parkway High School – 3 pm
$7 suggested donation. Proceeds to benefit the Parkway HS Band.
October 2nd – Rockford Beanfest – Live Music All Day @ Shanes Park! 11:30 am – 5 pm
Lots for Soldiers will be building a home in Rockford. We will need a lot of volunteers and donations to make this happen. Please contact the Village office if you can help in any way.
Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long
Motion Gehle. Second Dooley to go into Executive session at 7:34 for the purpose of discussing property purchase. Fox called for the question. Gehle = y, Dooley = y, Fox = y, Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.
Motion Gehle. Second Pontsler to come out of Executive session at 7:42. Fox called for the question. Gehle = y, Pontsler = y, Fox = y, Rutledge = y, Dooley = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.
No action taken at this time.
We will be receiving the Columbia Street plans around August 15th. We will bring the final plans for council approval. We will be having some public meetings with residents on Columbia St for questions and answers and to review plans. We will be advertising for bids on October 20th and October 27th. Open bids on November 10th and by November 15th award the contract… This will be the schedule as long as all the plans work out.
We received the grant award letter for $80,000 for the playground equipment. We have until June 30th of 2018 to finish the project.
Pontsler asked how much was left of the 100,000 grant we previously received. Jeff stated there was approximately $20,000 left and we have until the end of this year to complete the projects with those funds.
We received notice from the Mercer County Court that the property at 507 Pearl St. has not been sold at the Sheriff auction twice and is up for forfeiture. We have contacted Judy to see how this process works. Council agreed that we work to receive the property. We are not sure of what costs are involved and will be waiting for Judy to contact us with more information.
At this time, as we understand, Wabash Communications has tv, internet, and phone available in certain areas of the Village.
The energy aggregation is still in the works. We are waiting for more information to proceed.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee – Steve Gehle
Motion Dooley to pay bills as submitted in the amount of $8663.96. Second Fox. Rutledge called for the question. Dooley = y, Fox = y, Rutledge = y, Gehle = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.
Motion Rutledge to approve the July monthly financial reports –
Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,
Budget vs Actual activity report and Bank reconciliation. Second Fox. Gehle called for the question. Rutledge = y, Fox = y, Gehle = y, Pontsler = y, Dooley = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.
Motion Dooley to approve July monthly transfers. Second Heitkamp. Pontsler called for the question. Dooley = y, Heitkamp = y, Pontsler = y, Gehle = y, Rutledge = y, Fox = y. Passed 6 yes.
The Village of Rockford 2017 Budget hearing will be held at the
Courthouse auditorium on August 10th at 10:45 am.
Service Committee: Greg Pontsler
Motion Gehle. Second Fox to approve the closing of Market Street on August 6th at 1 pm for the Sock Hop and Cruise in. Dooley called for the question. Gehle = y, Fox = y, Dooley = y, Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.
Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp – nothing
Economic Development Committee: Rob Rutledge – nothing
Public Utilities Committee: Wilbur Fox –
2016 Salt Bid was awarded to Artesian of Pioneer with a bid of $119 per ton.
Rules Committee: John Dooley – nothing
Old Business
Motion Fox. Second Gehle to reinstate talks with engineers regarding moving forward with sub division plans. Dooley called for the question. Fox = y, Gehle = y, Dooley = y, Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 6 yes.
Discussed the need to get quotes on the liability insurance every year.
We will be talking to the health insurance provider next week to see what the rates will be for next year. Would be happy with no increase!
Make sure the gate at the water plant is locked up each night.
Mayor Joseph asked where we are with regards to grass/ weeds / junk /. Would like to see a print out of a report with dates and updated with action taken.
Jeff to get the bank involved that owns the old Barna property with getting area cleaned up.
Also need to check access allys for permanent fixtures.
There are some other areas that Jeff needs to check out as the Building Inspector.
Several places need taken down.
New Business
Meeting adjourned 8:18
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Mayor Fiscal Officer