Meeting Minutes: February 18, 2014

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Meeting Minutes: February 18, 2014


Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.

Invocation was given by Gene Steiner

Pledge of Allegiance

Those present:   Gehle, Steiner, Fox, Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp

Also attending:  Chase Heitkamp, Sergeant Stetler, and  Amy K from the Daily Standard.Motion Steiner.  Second Gehle to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Heitkamp called for the question.   Steiner = y, Gehle = y, Heitkamp = y,  Fox = y, Pontsler = y,  Dooley = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion: Gehle.   Second Pontsler to accept the minutes from the

January 21 , 2013  council meetings as presented.  Fox called for the question.  Gehle = y, Pontsler = y,  Fox = y, Steiner = y, Dooley = y, Heitkamp = y.   Passed 4 yes.

Visitors to Address Council:

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:

  • Rockford Community Days Meeting – February 18 at 7 pm.
  • There will be a Weather Spotter Course – Tuesday – March 18th  from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at the Central Services Building.  Registration is not required.
  • The Rockford Chamber is holding a Spring Flower Bulb sale.  Information available at the Village office or check the Rockford Ohio Chamber of Commerce on Facebook.
  • The Rockford Chamber will be holding a Social Media Class “Facebook Marketing – it’s fun AND profitable on March 20th @ the Village Hall. Cost is $10 per Chamber Member and $15 per non Chamber member.  RSVP required.  Laptops welcome.

Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long

It’s been cold and snowy – busy with plowing and frozen water lines.

We are working with the engineers on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade.  We will be applying for a grant.  Along with information to be submitted, we will need an income survey.  We will be submitting a list of addresses and there will be a random mailing.  This will help us qualify for a $500,000 grant.

Working on opening drains so water can properly get to river.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee –  Chris Heitkamp

Motion Dooley to pay the bills in the amount of $6949.93 . Second Steiner,  . Gehle called for the question.  Dooley = y, Steiner = y, Gehle = y, Fox = y, Pontsler =y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Pontsler to accept the Mayors Court pay in in the amount of $417.00.

Second Dooley.  Gehle called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Dooley = y, Gehle = y, Steiner = y, Fox = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Service Committee:   Greg Pontsler

Nothing at this time.

Safety Committee:     Gary Fox

Nothing at this time.

Economic Development Committee:   Gene Steiner

Scheduled an Economic Development committee meeting on March 4th at 7 pm.

There is a RADC Meeting on February 24th at 7 pm – library basement.

Public Utilities Committee:   Steve Gehle

Nothing at this time.

Rules Committee:      John Dooley

Submitted a note to council regarding the handbook stating it’s based on respect and communications.  Reminding that we are a service organization committed to maintaining and improving the lives of its residents.  Respectful communication is essential at every opportunity.  Conflict does not serve our purpose.

Old Business

Some complaints about plowing and snow removal.  We are working through issues.

Thank you from Mayor and Council to personnel working long hours, in the cold,  most times in sub zero weather.   We have had some set backs, but with patience and working together all is getting done.

We will need to review the budget.  Fuel expenses have been high.

New Business

John gave each member a Plan for Economic Development that should be reviewed and should be discussed at the next Economic Development committee meeting.  Some things we are doing, but some things still need to be developed.

Mayor to Dooley – Thank you for taking the time to develop this plan.  Thanks for getting right on the job.Meeting adjourned  7:54  pm