Meeting Minutes: January 17, 2023

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Meeting Minutes: January 17, 2023

Council called to order by Mayor – Amy Joseph on January 17, 2023

at 7:30 pm.

Invocation –    Ron Searight

Pledge of Allegiance

Those present:   Marcas Heitkamp, Ron Searight, Luke Stephenson, Mary Beougher, Rick Shindeldecker, Chris Heitkamp.    

Also attending:   Kathy Taylor, Kristi Schaefer, Robbie Peel, Marge Gehle,

Chief May, Srgt Stetler, Tina Heitkamp and Erin G of the Daily Standard.

Motion Searight.  Second Shindeldecker to accept the agenda as orders of the day

Stephenson called for the question.  Searight = y, Shindeldecker = y, Stephenson = y, M Heitkamp = y, Beougher = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes

Motion Shindeldecker. Second Searight to accept the minutes from the January 3, 2023 council meeting as presented. Stephenson called for the question.  Shindeldecker = y, Searight = y, Stephenson = y, M Heitkamp = y, Beougher = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Visitors to Address Council:

Kathy Taylor – asked if any decisions were made from last visit.   Marcas Heitkamp passed out a spreadsheet of local area community building rates to compare pricing.   Based on this information perhaps we are not charging enough for the building.   We have to sustain and maintain the building and we have many costs coming in the next several years such as painting the outside, new tables and chairs, and a new stove all at rough estimates around $25,000.  A new stove alone is $6,000 to be replaced.  With the daily rate at $250 from the beginning based on inflation at todays rates, we should be charging around $420 instead of $350.    Taylor reported on her research and stated that she called the Health Department and there is not extra cleaning to be done after each rental as there was with regards to covid virus.  M Heitkamp will look into Taylor research and get back with her personally.

Marge Gehle – addressed some concerns about the Community Building and Community Days and the finances from the events.   Wondering about Community days this year as it is not on the calendar.  Will the council reconsider having a Tree Committee as her grandsons are interested in volunteering.   One other concern is why are the police allowed to stay in the building during executive session?

Thank you – these concerns will be taken into consideration.

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence: 

Community Announcements and events:

Dog Tags available at the Village office until January 31st – 4 pm.

St. Teresa Family Fun Night / Talent Show –    March 11th – Rockford Community Building.  Talent acts may include instrumentals, singing, dancing or any other talent one would like to share with the community!

Please text 419-852-7954 or email

Lions Club Quarter Auction – April 1st – Rockford Community Building

Rockford Chamber –  Spring Fling –– Main Street

Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple  –

Met with engineering regarding Franklin Street and the subdivision.  We could be looking at doing the next 2 cul-de-sac as will be more cost effective to get both done at the same time –  this would give us 14 – 15 lots  and the final phase would be the last cul-de-sac and the street to connect to Holly Lane. 

Lot 10 –  the purchaser has requested to be released from the contract.  If the council is in agreement, it should be fine as Tammy has said she already had requests after we thought the lot had sold.   No funds have been exchanged.  Council in agreement to release the individual from the contract and move forward with finding a new buyer.

Once we get final numbers from engineering we will work on Phase 2 lot pricing.   We will have a meeting with Tammy.   She is getting some feedback from appraisers. We can expect it will be some higher but we also know this is an investment in the community and we want the subdivision to keep growing.

Franklin St — OPWC funding done and April CBDG will be submitted in April.

Project should be out to bid between March – July 2024. 

Back to Subdivision — getting estimates on lights.  Increase price of  $270 per light.  With approval would like to order enough to finish the project.  We want everything to match and the pricing is set to increase this Spring.    Council in agreement.

Tree Trimming   Pearl St — have discussed several times would like a decision.  The plan would be to do one street per year.    Pearl St. this year, Franklin St done with project and then First and Second Streets would be done next.  The estimate for Pearl St. – 18 trimmed and 1 to be taken down.  Motion Shindeldecker.  Second Stephenson.  Beougher called for the question.   Shindeldecker = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y, M Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.  Trim the trees !

Bills for the next several meetings will be higher –  we are in the process of replacing original parts at the water plant.  Having difficultly getting the exact replacements.  But we have found parts that will work and will be costly as we can’t wait for 6 – 12 months for parts. $480 per part and need 20 and then will need an additional 10 later.

Will be getting quotes for demo on State Street –  utilities have been disconnected.  The costs will be assessed to the property tax.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee:   Ron SearightPresident

Motion  Shindeldecker to pay the bills as presented –   

Bills 01/06/2023 = $120,665.51 and Bills 01/17/2023 – $32,527.94.

Second Stephenson.  Heitkamp called for the question.   Shindeldecker = y, Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y, M Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Beougher = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Heitkamp to Accept Mayors Court pay in – December = $ 191.00 and January = $ $318.00.  Second Stephenson.  Shindeldecker called for the question.   Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Shindeldecker = y, M Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Beougher = y.    Passed 6 yes.

Motion Shindeldecker to approve 2022 yearly financial reports:

Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,

Budget vs Actual activity report, Bank statement, comparison report for the water, sewer, and income tax.

Second Beougher.  Stephenson called for the question.   Shindeldecker = y, Beougher = y, Stephenson = y, M Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Shindeldecker to approve additional 2023 purchase orders.  Second Heitkamp.  Beougher called for the question.   Shindeldecker = y, Heitkamp = y, Beougher = y, M Heitkamp = y, Searight = y. Stephenson = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Shanes Park – Beginning Year 2022 balance – 7,831.19

Park – Year end balance is $8,907.93   

** Difference — gain of $1,076.74

Held a finance meeting on 01/11/2023 – reviewed funds and balances.  Began discussion on November levy.  Discussed some park needs.  Requested past reports to financial committee to review how much the costs have gone up over the course of several years.   Example salt – increase of $38,000 since 2016.

Was a long meeting and much information was discussed and more to be discussed.

Service Committee:   Mary Beougher

Thank you to the Fire Department for invitation to share a meal.  Was a very nice event. 

Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp

Economic Development Committee:  Rick Shindeldecker –

Watch for more information coming on the subdivision.  

Public Utilities Committee:   Luke Stephenson –   

Radio Station Funds for Year end 2022 beginning balance – $ 11,279.28

ending balance – $15,195.65      *  Difference gain  $3,916.37.

The station is operating efficiently – good job !

Rules Committee:    Marcas Heitkamp

•           Community Building Research – given out earlier for council review.

•           Proposed Employee Handbook updates 01/2023 – please review for approval at the next meeting.

•           2.12 Use of Village Equipment(removed verbiage allowing business and personal use of village equipment.)

The use of Village equipment for personal business or private use is prohibited. At no time is it to be used for personal monetary gain. Violators are subject to legal action, as well as disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

Personal use of telephone lines for long distance toll calls charged to the Village is not permitted.  Long distance calls using credit cards, calling cards or charged to a third party are permissible during scheduled breaks or lunch.

Personal use of copiers without payment to the Village is not permitted.  Personal copies are permissible during scheduled breaks or lunch provided that the Village is reimbursed $0.10 per copy.

•           4.9 Clothing Allowance ( Boots from every 3 years to 2 years and updated officers to exclude firearms and other types of self defense items)

All full-time police officers shall, with approval of the Chief of Police, have up to $700.00 per person per year available for uniform and accessory purchases and uniform cleaning (excluding firearms and other types of self defense items).

All full-time and permanent part-time employees, other than police officers, shall, with the approval of the Village Administrator, be able to rent approved uniform items from the Village selected uniform company.  Additionally, the Village will supply other uniform items that cannot be rented (for example t-shirts and sweatshirts), at the discretion of the Village Administrator.  Each full-time employee, other than police officers, shall, with the approval of the Village Administrator, be able to purchase one pair of work boots every two years, not to exceed $200.00.

Old Business:

2023 is an Election Year —   Mayor and 2 council seats.    If interested pick up petitions at the Board of Election with information on how to file to be on the ballot in November.     Need to check deadline date –  usually first week of August.

Searight mentioned –33 East – stop sign near Fremont.  Also would like the parking moved back on Franklin Street — farther off the street.   Trucks seem to obstruct the view even if not on the street — give us a little more room off street parking.

Mayor to Chief — any updates on issues —  Giving notice to Market Street property and have another 3 we are working on. 

New Business:

Motion Shindeldecker to go into Executive Session – Personnel –  time: 8:09 pm.  Second Heitkamp.  Searight called for the question.   Shindeldecker = y, Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, M Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion M Heitkamp to come out of  Executive Session – time: 8:59 pm –  Second Shindeldecker.  Searight called for the question.   M Heitkamp = y, Shindeldecker = y, Searight = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y, Heitkamp =y,  Passed 6 yes.

No action taken.

Meeting adjourned   9  pm 

_________________________                      _________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer