Meeting Minutes: September 10, 2015
September 11, 2015
Marie Miller – Chamber President called the meeting to order at 8 am on
September 10th, at the Rockford Village Hall.
Very informal meeting as only 5 members were present.
Congratulations to The Parkway Independent for being the September Business of the Month.
Marie reported that the Chamber Banquet committee met and are making progress in the planning of the event to be held on October 26th. Invitations will be mailed soon. Bella’s will be catering. Triad will be providing music. We are working on a guest speaker.
Dan Henkle gave an update on the Medical Procurement Board. They are moving along with the plans to create a scholarship / grant program that will help medical and pharmacy students in their later year s of college. We have $27,000 plus an additional $4,000 that is outstanding in loan repayments. The committee will be bringing final guidelines to chamber for review. If anyone knows of an organization that is doing something like this, please let us know.
Dan Henkle also reported that we have received permission from the Brandts and Andy Rogers to install the 118 North Welcome sign. We will be sending out letters to those organizations that are represented to request a donation to help cover their sphere and a little help with building costs. The first signs were installed in the late 1990’s and have served us well with little or no maintenance costs over the years. Has been a good investment.
Future plans for the Rockford Chamber. We rarely have more than 5 or 6 people in attendance for Chamber meetings. We are considering the following for the upcoming year: The executive board will meet monthly and make decisions. The board will then assign members to different activities throughout the year. This is how several other area chambers are handling low attendance meetings. This way the members can still get involved with projects and events but don’t need to attend meetings.
We are also considering making changes to the Business of the Month – instead of being a random drawing, making it a merit system where businesses earn points by getting involved.
Please make plans to attend the Ribbon Cutting on Saturday for the Heart n Soul Massage Therapy business that is opening in the His n Hers Salon. The ribbon cutting will be at 8:30 am.
The Christmas at the Park event will be held on November 29th at 7pm. We need LOTS of volunteers to help decorate the park and make cookies for the event.
Decorating will begin on October 24th at 9 am and be on going each Saturday until the decorating is done.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25