Meeting Minutes: September 5, 2023
Council called to order by Council President – Ron Searight on September 5, 2023
at 7:30 pm.
Invocation – Ron Searight
Pledge of Allegiance
Those present: Marcas Heitkamp, Ron Searight, Luke Stephenson,
Mary Beougher, Chris Heitkamp. Rick Shindeldecker – absent
Also attending: Ross Finke, Francis Schaffner, Chief Stetler, Robbie Peel and Erin Gardner of the Daily Standard.
Motion Stephenson, Second Beougher to accept the agenda as orders of the day. M Heitkamp called for the question. Stephenson = y, Beougher = y, M Heitkamp = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 4 yes.
Motion Heitkamp. Second M Heitkamp to accept the minutes from the August 8 , 2023 council meeting as presented. Stephenson called for the question. Heitkamp = y, M Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y. Passed 4 yes.
Visitors to Address Council:
* Note deadline for council agenda the Friday before council at 4 pm. *
*** time limit 5 minutes ***
Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:
Council President Searight noted receipt of the Mayors Court Pay in and bank statement.
Community Announcements and events:
Saturday – September 9 Fire Department – reverse raffle/chicken dinner
Dinner starts @ 5:00. Raffle @ 7:00
Saturday – – October 28th -Rockford’s Rocktober Fest– Main Street activities from 1 – 5 pm — more information coming soon !
Want to participate? – Contact — Village Office 419-363-3032 ext 1.
Saturday, October 28th – Rockford Trick or Treat 5-6:30 pm with Costume Judging at the Fire Department at 7 pm.
Tuesday – November 7th – General Election – Voting at Community Building.
Vote – YES as this income is necessary to continue services.
Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple
Had a request to purchase all the lots off Bridge St. but no plans to build homes. Would sell back to the Village if needed for park use. Will keep this in mind but at this time we would rather try to sell and have some new homes built.
South tower – Storing water and completely filled. The work was done in a very timely manner and we are happy with the results. Looks very nice.
North tower – Paint has been completed – now working on the electrical. Might be a chance they get done ahead of schedule. Once completed we will need to revisit the demo / or not demo the old tower.
Evoqua company has contacted us and has some ideas on odor control at the
Wastewater treatment plant. Look forward to talking with them and see what they have to offer and what the costs might be.
The Committee Heads meeting it was discussed that the Village and Rec Board need to have better communications with regards to maintenance at the park. Who is doing what and when. Have talked to a couple of the Board members and feel we will have better communications moving forward. We will be coming up with a plan.
We are back to 2 employees in the water / wastewater / street departments so as we are working to hire another person – please be patient with us as we do what we can each day. Thank you in advance for understanding.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee: Ron Searight – Council President — reports by Luke Stephenson
Motion M Heitkamp. Second Heitkamp to pay the bills as presented
08/23/2023 – $491,869.97
09/05/2023 – $15,714.10
Beougher called for the question. M Heitkamp = y, Heitkamp = y, Beougher = y, Stephenson = y. Passed 4 yes.
Motion Beougher to accept Mayors court pay in – $86.00 Second M Heitkamp. Stephenson called for the question. Beougher = y, M Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y, Passed 4 yes.
Motion M Heitkamp to approve the monthly financial reports. Second Heitkamp.
Beougher called for the question. M Heitkamp = y, Heitkamp = y, Beougher = y, Stephenson = y. Passed 4 yes.
Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,
Budget vs Actual activity report, Bank statement, comparison report for the water, sewer, and income tax.
Motion M Heitkamp to approve supplemental appropriations to date. Second Heitkamp. Stephenson called for the question. M Heitkamp = y, Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y. Passed 4 yes.
Motion Beougher to approve additional purchase orders. Second M Heitkamp. Heitkamp called for the question. Beougher = y, M Heitkamp = y, Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y. Passed 4 yes.
Reminder – November General Election — Rockford Levy – renewal only — PLEASE VOTE YES for general operating expenses that generates estimated $40,000 per year.
Motion M Heitkamp to approve the transfer of $25,000 from the General Fund to the Franklin St. Fund. Second Heitkamp. Beougher called for the question. M Heitkamp = y, Heitkamp = y, Beougher = y, Stephenson = y. Passed 4 yes.
Rules Committee: Marcas Heitkamp
Lisa to attend a Tax Seminar on September 7th —- State has updated income tax laws and we will need to update our local tax ordinance.
Parkway Athletic Booster Club planning a Homecoming Parade on
Sunday, October 1st — timing to be determined. Would like permission for the parade route / road closures to be as follows :
Start at Football field – North on Franklin St. turn West on Market St. , turn South on Jay Street and return to the Football field.
Motion: Beougher. Second Heitkamp. Stephenson called for the question. Beougher = y, Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, M Heitkamp = y. Passed 4 yes.
Service Committee: Mary Beougher –
The Village has a full time job opening – Applications and resumes will be accepted until September 15th at 4 pm. Start $19 per hour. Monday – Friday with on call as needed.
Thank you to Joe Roth for your service and dedication to the Village while working here. He did a great job !
The Village has a part time Community Building / Shane Hall / Restroom Cleaning position — must clean all buildings. Start $14 per hour.
Community Building in need of new chairs – received quote at $27 per chair need 400. Chairs hold 800 lbs and indoor / outdoor.
We need to name the area by the Water Tower – subdivision name and also a street name. Send us your suggestions !
Working with Rockford Chamber and Brand It Marketing for a new Rockford Directory – getting a quote.
Vantage will be in Rockford tomorrow to look at the bridge and gazebo at the Park. We purchase the materials and they would do the labor. Good experience for students.
Acknowledged the many years of service for each of council and employees — comes to a total of 205 years of service to the Village. Pretty good for a small town.
Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp
Safety Committee held before council meeting discussed —
A request for no parking on Main Street the day of Rocktober Fest – October 28th – 8 am to 8 pm.
Motion Beougher. Second M Heitkamp. Stephenson called for the question. Beougher = y, M Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 4 yes.
Chief Stetler — needing suggestions trying to get part time weekend help ?
Discussed the need to have a Village vehicle so that employees do not have to drive their personal vehicles on Village business – this has gone on for years it isnot safe and the vehicles are not covered under the Village insurance. Since the Safety committee deems necessary — let us move the suggestion to the finance committee for review. What is needed 2 wheel drive / 4 wheel drive – options for additional snow plow and financially what can we afford at this time.
Will check with Finance committee and get a meeting scheduled.
Economic Development Committee: Rick Shindeldecker – absent – by Luke Stephenson
RADC meeting update — working to complete the Market Street Mural perhaps by October 28th.
Public Utilities Committee: Luke Stephenson
Old Business:
New Business:
Meeting adjourned 7:56 pm
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Mayor Fiscal officer