Meeting Minutes: April 5, 2022

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Meeting Minutes: April 5, 2022

Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph, Tuesday, April 5, 2022

at 7:30 pm.

Invocation –    Ron Searight

Pledge of Allegiance

Those present:  Ron Searight,  Luke Stephenson,  Mary Beougher, Brad Now,  Chris Heitkamp.    Jessica Yoder – absent

Also attending:   Erin G from the Daily Standard, Srgt Stetler, Robbie Peel, Marge Gehle, Sandy Schaffner, Bret Jones and Dale Smith

Motion Searight.  Second Stephenson to accept the agenda as orders of the day.   

 Beougher called for the question.    Searight = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y, Now = y, Heitkamp = y,  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Searight.  Second Stephenson to accept the minutes from the March 15, 2022  council meeting as presented.    Heitkamp called for the question.  Searight = y, Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y, Beougher = y, Now = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Visitors to Address Council:

Bret Jones addressed council with questions regarding the new parking ordinance.  He suggested that the ordinance was meant more for a home owners association rather than a village.    Bret stated that this was a bad time to implement this ordinance that it’s imposing hardships to residents with increased gas and food supplies at this time.    Administrator Temple told Bret that he would need to put in a drive way to come into compliance.    Council thanked Bret for coming to the meeting to address his concerns. 

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence: 

Arbor Day Proclamation –   I, Amy Joseph, do hereby proclaim Friday – April 29nd as Arbor Day in the Village of Rockford.   I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the hearts and promote the well-being of this and future generations.

Parkway will have an Arbor Day program with students on April 6th at 9 am with Mercer County Soil and Water.  Steve Gehle – President of the Rockford Tree Committee will also be in attendance.

Community Announcements and events:

Wednesday – Thursday  – April 13 & 14 –  Lisa – continue education virtual – office will be closed at times.

Friday – April 15th – Village office closed for Good Friday.

Monday – April 18th – Income Tax Filings due

Saturday – April 16th – Shanes Park Easter Egg Hunt – 1 pm

Wednesday – April 20th —  Rockford Chamber and First Financial Sponsoring  – Financial Wellness presentation – Developing a Business Plan at 5:30 pm at the Rockford Library. Look for registration information soon.  *** In this workshop, participants will learn the eight parts of a business plan and what to consider when writing a business plan. At the end of the workshop, business owners will have a blueprint or first draft of a business plan.

Saturday – April 30th – Chamber Spring Fling – Main Street

Saturday – April 30th – Parkway Prom – High School

Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple  –

Most probably aware that the water tower had a leak last week.  Thanks to Bruns Construction – they came within hours to get the leak fixed.  While up on the tower also fixed another problem area that was seeping.  This is the 3rd leak that has had to be fixed.

Last Friday had a meeting with Access Engineering about the Water Tower project.  We hope to go to bid June / July.   Once we have secured a bid – work will begin on the backside getting everything ready to specs.  The tower will most likely go up late summer / early fall.   Painting and final inspections to be completed in October 2023. 

Also working with Access Engineering getting information ready for grant applications for Franklin Street reconstruction project.    This will include new sidewalks and curbs.   Looking at costs to do extension to Buckeye St.  Quick estimates – 2 million for project.

Dixon will be here for South Tower inspection as required by the EPA.  Will take 4 to 5 weeks to get report back on what maintenance is needed.   This will not be cheap.

Met with Anthem –  good news – no changes to benefits and no additional costs.

The state will be working on a resurface project on State Route 33 — This will begin at Mercer and go through town to the county line.   Begin date May 5th and will be approximately 5 month job.

Tile has collapsed near Belna Petrolum – the old railway bed.   Will have to start working on that problem.   The tile needs replace for an entire block. 

Brush pick up will begin again next Tuesday – April 12th and will be on the schedule the 2nd Tuesday of each month as in the past.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee:   Ron SearightPresident

Motion  Now.  Second  Beougher to pay the bills as presented – $ 56,959.10     Stephenson called for the question.    Now = y, Beougher = y, Stephenson = y, Searight = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 5 yes.

Motion Stephenson to approve the monthly financial reports:

Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,

Budget vs Actual activity report, Bank statement and comparison report for the water, sewer, and income tax.

Second Now.  Heitkamp called for the question.   Stephenson = y, Now =  y, Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Beougher = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Stephenson to approve supplemental appropriations to date.  Second Beougher.  Heitkamp called for the question.   Stephenson = y, Beougher = y, Heitkamp = y, Searight = y, Now =y.  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Stephenson to approve 2nd Quarter Blanket Certificates and additional purchase orders to date.  Second Now.  Searight called for the question.   Stephenson = y, Now = y, Searight = y , Beougher = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Finance Committee Meeting was held on March 21,2022 – Discussed the need to increase rates for the rentals at Shanes Park. 



SHELTER HOUSE  $50/ DAY                                

PAVILION     $100 / Day

SHANES HALL        $150 / DAY – ADDITIONAL DAY $75     




Motion: Beougher, Second Stephenson.   Now called for the question.   Beougher = y, Stephenson = y, Now = y, Searight = y, Heitkamp= y.  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Heitkamp to approve Aaron Temple / Village Administrator to enter into this Contract for Professional Services and sign on behalf of the Village of Rockford  with Access Engineering for the water tower project.  Second Stephenson.   Now called for the question.   Heitkamp = y, Stephenson = y, Now = y, Searight = y, Beougher = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Now to create a Fund 4912 Franklin Street Reconstruction Project.   Second Stephenson.  Beougher called for the question.   Now = y, Stephenson = y, Beougher = y, Searight = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Service Committee:   Mary Beougher

New building on Main Street coming along. 

Bus Shelter has been completed and looks very nice.   Thank you Kenzie Stephenson for choosing Shanes Park for your Award project. 

Tastee Twirl – possible under new ownership.

The Fix Functional Massage Therapy – offering new services – Sauna, salt and light therapy.   Will be having an open house during Spring Fling.

Rockford Chamber Spring Fling events coming together for April 30th – car show, vendors, food trucks, raffle and 50/50 — should be a good time.

Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp –

A safety committee meeting was held on April 5th at 7 pm discussed the following – truck signage, pot holes, Dollar General property maintenance complaints, trash complaints, several signs around town that need replaced.  The Bus stop completion at Shanes Park – looks very nice.   Several more street lights have been reported.

Economic Development Committee:  Brad Now –

Shanes Crossing Subdivision – 5 Lots left for sale – contact Tammy Cheek with Homes at Ohio’s Edge Realty.     Lot 9 has sold –   We will need to start working on getting information and estimates towards Phase 2. 

WRKD updates –  none at this time.  Things going very well.

Public Utilities Committee:   Luke Stephenson –   

DORA updates  –    working on some financial aspects.     Brad took some photos of signage in other towns.   Doesn’t look like that will be costly.

Allpaid online payments via the web site– service fee will increase from 2.5% to 2.95% – beginning April 28th, 2022.

Rules Committee:    Jessica Yoder –  absent report by Mayor Joseph

Reminder – Property Maintenance Fees — $250 per hour to be invoiced to the property owner for properties not maintained.   Was effective as of September of last year. 

All Class C and D permits to sell alcoholic beverages at retail will expire on June 1st, 2022 —- are there any objections to renewals ?

Council in agreement no objections. 

If no objections – we need not take any action.

Old Business:

Trucks still using Belna trucking as turn around for missed Fremont drive.

Searight  — apologies for recent news article that he was the new mayor. 

New Business:

With changes at Shanes Park our Community Building cleaner has resigned.   If you are interested in working mostly weekends cleaning after events – rate is $14 per hour.  Please contact the village office with name and phone number.

The Village offers sincere condolences to the Jeff Pontsler family.  Jeff was a former Mayor for the village during 1996 – 1998. 

Meeting adjourned   8:11  pm   

_________________________                      _________________________ Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer.