Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2014
August 14, 2014
Jane Cozad introduced our guest speakers – Randee Henson from Stolly Insurance and Beverly Danner – Anthem Blue Cross Blue Sheild.
Randee and Beverly discussed the 2014 Health Care Reform Update :
Affordable Care Act impact on insurance plans.
- Definitions and employer mandate
- Overview of 2014 changes
- Case examples
- Employer responsibilities
- Tools and resources
To learn more, go to:
Beginning Jan 2015 employers that have Anthem Insurance and are Rockford Chamber members will receive a 1.4% discount instead of the 4% past discount.
After the presentation we had a short break then Jane called the meeting to order at 9:15 am.
The minutes were read and the financial information was reviewed and approved.
Motion by Marie and Second by Norm.
Congratulations to Henkle Insurance for being selected as the August Chamber Business of the Month.
The next Social Media Class will be held on September 8 at the Rockford Library at 6 pm . Please invite and share on Facebook.
The Membership Directory is coming along . We will have a mock up by Monday. There will be some expenses in getting the directory finished. We have some photographs, but if you have some pictures you are willing to share, please let us know.
As previously discussed A Christmas event in the Rockford downtown area had deadlines of August 1for date and list of those involved. The deadline has approached and we have heard nothing in regards to a downtown Fall or Christmas event.
We did , however, received a plan from Joyce Emans about having an event at the Park . The idea is to light up the park in a sequence / music order. We would be having 12 stations with 12 songs . The Park Board would give out 100 cups/mugs to the 1 100 people attending. The Chamber would be supplying the flyers and promotion. We would be asking for volunteers for decorating on November 8 and November 15. The event would be held on November 30 6-7 pm. This would be NON Commercial. We would ask local talents to participate in the signing and/or music for each station as it is being lit up. Luminaries to light the path to the park was also mentioned. All Chamber members were in favor of sponsoring this event.
We will discussed official details and plans at a later meeting. We will invite Joyce and Sandy Schaffner to be involved as well. Thinking that the Chamber would be supplying hot chocolate and cookies from our members.
Chamber Banquet – date has been set at November 6. Triad has been asked to have the pre dinner music. The Citizen of the Year is in the works. We need to request nominations to be submitted by the next meeting. Need speaker ideas?
Nancy mentioned several fundraiser ideas… Carrot / cupcake, heads/tails, and the table of wine raffle !
Bob Maurer reported on the Rockford Library Levy. This would be a levy on the ballot this fall. Would appreciate the Rockford Chamber to help support this cause . We agreed to donate $200 towards the promotion of the Rockford Library levy. This would be in the form of fliers inserted in the Photo Star.
Issues with the phone card was discussed. Members agreed the phone card should remain a ‘members only’ phone directory. This is a benefit to the members and those that have paid their memberships by the designated deadline.
Discussed some mural ideas around town.
Members all agreed to implement the FALL Flower Power fundraising program.
Rockford 2020 – Bicentennial Meeting will be held on Monday – August 18th at 7:30 pm.
Motion Marie, Second Jane to adjourn meeting !