Meeting Minutes: February 16, 2016

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Meeting Minutes: February 16, 2016

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:


Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.


Invocation was given by Jeff Long


Pledge of Allegiance


Those present: Gehle, Rutledge, Fox, Pontlser, Dooley, Heitkamp


Also attending: Jeff Long, Srgt Stetler, Chief May, Commissioner Greg Homan, Steven Stose, John and Brenda Stose, Nancy Leighner, and Claire Geisige of the Daily Standard,


Motion Gehle, Second Fox to accept the agenda as orders of the day.  Heitkamp called for the question.  Gehle = y, Fox = y, Heitkamp = y , Rutledge = y, Pontsler = y, Dooley = y.  Passed 6 yes.


Motion Pontsler. Second Gehle to accept the minutes from the

February 2nd and 9th, 2016 council meetings as presented.  Dooley called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Gehle = y , Dooley = y, Rutledge = y, Fox =  y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.


Visitors to Address Council:


Nancy Leighner gave the Village a pep talk. We have accomplished much in the last several years with park improvements and the splash pad.  She is encouraging the village to continue moving forward towards the development of the sub division.  There are people interested in the sub division and building new homes.  We need to get something going soon.


Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:


Receipt and review of Mayors Court – January bank reconciliation and bank statement.


Upcoming Community events:


February 6th – The Northmen & Cathy at The Rockford Belle.

Doors open at 6 pm. Cost $10


March 5th – Wine Tasting – Rockford Community Building.  Doors open at 6:30pm.  Presale tickets $20 – available at the Village Office and Barrys Family Market


March 12th – St. Teresa Parish – Family Fun Night – Open to the public

Rockford Community Building


March 19th – Parkway Carnival – Parkway High School


March 19th – Parkway Duck Races – Rockford Community Building


March 26th – Easter Egg Hunt – Shanes Park – 1 pm


May 7th – Tire Amnesty Day – Mercer County Fairgrounds – 9 am = 1 pm

Contact 419-586-3695 for more information.


Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long




John has done rough draft revisions to proposed subdivision as discussed in previous meeting. Goal is to develop 12-15 lots at this time. I have forwarded the rough draft to the engineers to review and give us a cost to provide prints.

It is estimated we will need to borrow $200,000 to develop this phase of the subdivision. I have started making contacts to pursue funding possibilities. The plan moving forward is as follows:

1)         Get revised plat plan from Engineers

2)         Work utilities into design in the most efficient way.

3)         Confirm cost estimate

4)         Contact Dominion and DP&L

5)         Pursue financing

6)         Construction planning and then construction

I will attend Dublin Township Trustee meeting March 21, 2016, concerning possible land swap.



I am disappointed in the overall progress of this project. The holdup is the issuance of our new NPDES Permit. Without this we cannot be issued the permit to install, which we need to submit application for funding through the CDBG Water/Sewer program. This is in the hands of the OEPA and my understanding it is being held up because they are very busy and I presume understaffed. I have been in contact and feel the permit will be issued soon. This is an important process to the village and the environment.

The request for funding will take some time. The plant improvements themselves can wait for the process but upgrades to our lift station cannot. We had a case where the lift station pumps went down. We had Mike’s Sanitation pumping out wastewater and hauling it to our plant as we worked to be able to install a pump that we borrowed from Mercer ‘County Sanitary, luckily they had a spare one that was one of the same pumps we use. We are waiting on the delivery of two new pumps ordered and the repair of two of our existing pumps. I have solicited costs for control and operating equipment to make our pump station adequate and reliable again. The equipment cost to do this is about $33,000. Working on a labor estimate, we will complete as much of the rehab as we can ourselves. The lift station rehab has always been part of the larger project; it just cannot wait any longer. We will be able to tie this back into the project if needed  it is my hope we get this done at a savings and reduce what we borrow. The plan moving forward is as follows:

1)         Engineer review proposal for controls

2)         Order equipment

3)         Install pumps as they are received

4)         Proposals for needed labor

5)         Complete upgrade to lift station



I have met with the engineers and went over the changes council desired. They are starting design now. Funds are not released until July so it is still somewhat up in the air if this project will be done this year or next. This will be discussed as design moves forward.



The building at the park is coming along. We still have some walk path to be constructed this spring. The parking lot is completed and the lighting is also completed. I am meeting with the Rec Board this Thursday to review the remainder of their project that is to be funded through the grant. We are to be completed with the grant funds by June.



I was contacted by the OEPA and asked to perform our required lead and copper testing as soon as possible. We collected from 20 sites on

February 9 and are awaiting results. We are required to collect and test from 20 sites once every six months. I believe from all the concern over lead they asked us to do the testing now. On the June-September 2014 monitoring period the lead 90th percentile was 18.2 ug/L and the lead action level is 15.5 ug/L. This resulted in the addition of the orthophosphate. Since then testing has shown lead results at below the detectable level at all residences. The results will be in soon and it is my hope that we will then be required to do less sampling and testing.



Received new batteries today for the flashing solar school light so they should be installed soon.



The street poles and lights have been ordered and we are awaiting shipment. As you know two of the insurance companies of the drivers who hit the poles did not issue us a check. Our insurance company has issued check minus deductibles and will go after those companies.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee – Steve Gehle


Motion Pontsler. Second Dooley  to approve bills submitted in the amount of $20,134.56.  Gehle called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Dooley = y, Gehle = y, Rutledge = y, Fox = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.


Motion Pontsler. Second Fox to accept the Mayors Court Pay in of $440.  Dooley called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Fox = y, Dooley =y, Gehle = y, Rutledge = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.


Motion Rutledge. Second Heitkamp to approve the GovPayNet conctract to get us set up for credit/debit card payements.  Dooley called for the question.  Rutledge = y, Heitkamp = y, Dooley = y, Gehle = y, Fox = y, Pontsler = y.  Passed 6 yes.



Service Committee:   Greg Pontsler


We had a special meeting last week that was open to the public about Columbia Street and the sub division. We decided there will not be a street connecting Columbia Street to the sub division.  We decided to make some adjustments to the sub division layout.  Soon we will be issuing a press release to ask people that are interested to come talk to us.  May need an executive session at the next meeting to set lot prices.


We are looking at 2 – 4 months construction time on Columbia Street.


Jeff also mentioned that our sub division is in the Community Reinvestment Area which means that new home owners would receive tax abatements of 50% for 5 years. We are still honoring the Rockford Revitalization program that gives new home owners base water and sewer free for 6 months.



Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp


Scheduled a safety committee meeting for March 1st at 6:30 pm.



Economic Development Committee: Rob Rutledge  


Nothing more at this time.


Public Utilities Committee:   Wilbur Fox


Nothing at this time.


Rules Committee:      John Dooley  



Old Business


Made a couple more changes to the Rockford Information card.



New Business


Paul introduced Steven Stose who will be joining the Auxiliary department. He will be sworn in after the meeting.





Meeting adjourned.



____________________________                _____________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal Officer