Meeting Minutes: June 18,2019
Council called to order by Mayor Joseph on
Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.
Invocation – Jeff Long
Pledge of Allegiance
Those present: Gehle, Fox, Pontsler, Now, Heitkamp
Young- absent
Also attending: Robby Peel, Jeff Long, Judy Koesters and Srgt. Stetler
Motion Now. Second Fox to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Heitkamp called for the question. Now = y, Fox = y, Heitkamp = y, Gehle = y , Pontsler = y, Passed 5 yes.
Motion Pontsler. Second Gehle to accept the minutes from the
June 4, 2019 council meeting as presented. Fox called for the question.
Pontsler = y, Gehle = y, Fox = y, Now =y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 5 yes.
Visitors to Address Council:
Mayor’s Report and Correspondence:
Thank you for support of Community Days! Lots of hard work! Park looked great although weather didn’t cooperate!
Received Mayors Court information.
Community Announcements and events:
Saturday – June 22nd – Fox Family Ride for Autism
Thursday – July 4th – Independence Day – Village office closed.
Village Administrator’s Report – Jeff Long
WWTP – flow meter installed this week.
We will continue to work on the water meter replacement project. Should be completed next week.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee – Steve Gehle
Motion Pontsler to pay bills as submitted – $ 252,183.92 Second Now. Fox called for the question. Pontsler = y, Now = y, Fox = y, Gehle = y, Heitkamp = y. Passed 5 yes.
Motion Pontsler. Second Fox to accept the Mayors Court pay in of $551. Heitkamp called for the question. Pontsler = y, Fox = y, Heitkamp = y, Gehle = y, Now = y. Passed 5 yes.
Finance Meeting was held on 06/11/19 – 7 pm – Budget / wages discussed for 2020.
With regard to wages – It was discussed and approved that Aaron Temple and Blair Shaffer each have hourly rate increased by $1 per hour effective immediately.
Motion Fox, Second Pontsler. Heitkamp called for the question. Fox = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Gehle = y , Now = y. Passed 5 yes.
Public Budget hearing was held before council at 7:15 pm. Budget 2020 was approved. Will send 2 copies to county auditor.
Budget Commission hearings will be held at the Courthouse on August 7th at 11 am. Jeff and Lisa will attend this meeting.
Service Committee: Greg Pontsler
New picnic tables at Shanes Park – looks nice. Cost $1200 each.
Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp – nothing to report
Economic Development Committee: Shane Young – absent
Public Utilities Committee: Wilbur Fox
Would like Jeff to see when Wabash will finish village project and when we can expect information on rates for cable and internet.
Rules Committee: Brad Now – nothing to report
Old Business:
At the November General Election there will be a Mayor Seat and (2) Council seats on the ballot. Residents interested in public service would need to contact the Board of Elections and get paperwork filed by the August 7th at 4 pm deadline.
Application / License to Solicit in the Village – after some discussion council agreed that we will no longer permit door to door sales. Judy will work on new ordinance to be ready at next council meeting.
Radio station / Jim Crocker – The State of Ohio Auditors office has sent judgement of $12,000 that is owed to the Village. Judy has been reaching out to attorney with no response. Judy will try to make contact again with an August 1st deadline.
New Business:
_________________________ _________________________
Mayor Fiscal officer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:01 pm