Meeting Minutes: May 19,2020

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Meeting Minutes: May 19,2020

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:

  • Meeting held via Zoom meeting – permission from State during this ‘coronavirus’ – national emergency.

Motion Means, Second Gehle, Now called for the question to begin meeting having connection issues online.  Means= Y, Gehle = y, Now = y, Young = y, Pontsler = y.  Passed 5 yes.    Eventually got Facebook live online going mid way through the meeting.

Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph, Tuesday, May 19, 2020,

at 7:45 pm via Zoom meeting.

Invocation –  The Lord’s Prayer  – Shane Young

Pledge of Allegiance –  Dr. Means

Those present:  Gehle ,Young, Means, Pontsler, Now,

                                    Heitkamp – absent

Also attending:  Srgt Stetler, Sydney Albert of the Daily Standard, Luke Stephenson, Tammy Cheek, Matt Suzuki,

Motion Young.  Second Pontsler to accept the agenda as orders of the day.  Now called the question.  Young = y, Pontsler = y, Now = y, Gehle = y, Means = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Gehle.  Second Young to accept the minutes from the May 5, 2020 council meeting as presented.  Now called for the question.  Gehle = y, Young = y, Now = y, Means = y, Pontsler = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Visitors to Address Council:

Tammy Cheek and Matt Suzuki  – made clarifications with council on some definitions regarding pre manufactured homes and modular homes. 

A pre manufactured home is a home that is moved in on a trailer on wheels that is set on a foundation.   These homes are like a double wide trailer and could potentially be moved again.   The homes have a steel beam running down the middle.  Banks require special financing on these homes. 

Modular homes – homes are stick built inside a facility.  These homes are considered stick built with regards to banking loans.  These homes follow all the same codes and inspections as a stick built homes. 

Modular homes can be built somewhat quicker but by no means decreases the value / appraisal of the home. 

Suzuki assures council that all covenants will be met with a modular build.  He would be looking to build several in the subdivision as well as in other locations in the area. 

There is a difference in the terms and we need to get the covenants cleared up so there is not confusion on what is acceptable and what is not.

Gehle  – Rules committee to have a meeting next Tuesday at 7:30 pm to make clarifications on the Subdivision Covenants — there is another gray area that needs to be clarified also.  We will review each and have ready for a council vote at the next meeting.

Council thanked Tammy and Matt for attending the meeting and appreciate them helping us promote the Subdivision. 

Luke Stephenson was the next guest to approach council.    Luke owns the building where the brewery is located.   With current issues with the virus they are looking for ways to keep social distancing and increase seating capacity.   He would like to request of council to approve a seating location in the front of the

Brewery on Main St.   They propose a 42 x 11 outdoor seating area.  One of the difficulties is the sidewalk is uneven due to the fact that it formerly was an area for overhead doors and truck deliveries.    The proposal still gives village a 5’ sidewalk for pedestrians to pass by.   Would be nice to have the tree in front  – taken out  – perhaps transplanted at the park so that area could be filled for a smooth sidewalk.      The brewery would pay for the costs involved if the village could help with construction.    This outdoor seating area is not permanent in that on days they are closed the outdoor seating tables etc are kept inside the business. 

Motion Pontsler to approve as suggested.  Second Young.  Gehle called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Young =y, Gehle = y, Means = y, Now = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Council thanked Luke for attending and bringing concerns for discussion.

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence: 

Mondays at 7:30 pm – on Rockford’s Best Mix – 101.3 fm –

The Mayors Corner Show — Rockford news and updates

Dr. Means has been a guest of the show several times giving medical updates.  This is an open invitation to anyone interested in being a guest – business owners,  event promotions, etc.     Please contact us to get on the schedule.

Community Announcements and events:

Wednesdays – Rockford United Methodist –  Drive through – Community Meals – 4:30 pm – 6 pm. 

This Thursday – May 21st  the Red Cross will be holding a blood drive in the Family Life Center at New Horizons Community Church! Walk ins are welcome or you can call to schedule an appointment!   Noon to 5 pm

Memorial Day 2020 update

Due to the existing COVID restrictions, the Rockford American Legion Post will be altering the Memorial Day activities.

The Post will honor our fallen Veterans at Riverside Cemetery at 10 am. Flags will be placed on the grave markers, a 21 gun salute and TAPS will be performed.

The Rockford American Legion will also be holding the Annual chicken dinner fundraiser – catered by the Rockford Carry Out. The cost will be $8 per ticket. This year the dinners will be served in a ‘drive thru’ fashion at the Post. Pre-Sale tickets are required, and will be available at the Rockford American Legion, Barrys’ Family Market, and the Rockford Carryout – beginning May 1st.

The annual Memorial Day ceremony held at Hedge’s Park has been canceled.  The Veterans Memorial dedication will be May 2021.

Bicentennial Committee meeting – Monday – June 1 – 7 pm

Brush pick up –  Tuesday – June 9

Sunday – July 19th —-   Gun & Designer Purse BINGO rescheduled tentative date

Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple

We will be working on electrical at the Veterans Memorial this week.   It’s been difficult to get some of the final details finished as some of the companies have been shut down and are just beginning to open.   We are hoping to get the flags up for Monday —  we are working with rainy conditions this week so may not happen.    Dedication has been moved to May 2021.

Emailed issues with water plant computer.   The contractor we worked with while in construction phase is located in Minnesota.   We have recently found a contractor located in Ohio which will make this process a little better with timing and communications.  The new board will have remote access.

We have some concrete projects coming up at the park – but with the rain that will be put on hold.  We will work to get the Main st sidewalk on the schedule.

Pools / Splash pads can reopen on May 26th — but parks continue to be closed.  How does council wish to proceed?   After some discussions

Motion Means, Second Pontsler to open the splash pad but the park play areas are to remain closed.   The chlorine in the water will be sufficient as disinfection of area.   Now called for the question.   Means = y, Pontsler = y, Now = y, Gehle = y, Young = y.  Passed 5 yes.

We have someone doing some community service mowing some park areas.  He is using his own equipment.

We have posted on Facebook – summer – seasonal part time job opening.  Please email for an application.    We will not be hiring full time until we know what the economic impact of virus situation.

Deadline for applications – May 22nd.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee –  Shane Young  

Motion Pontsler.  Second Means– to pay bills as presented $12,952.86. 

Gehle called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Means = y, Gehle = y, Young = y, Now = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Motion Pontsler – to accept Mayors Court pay in $356.00.  Second Now.  Gehle called for the question.  Pontsler = y, Now = y, Gehle = y, Young = y, Means = y.  Passed 5 yes.

Budget hearing – June 16th council meeting at 7:15 pm  – please note this is an estimated budget.  With State and local cuts coming down from Administration we know it will affect us and our school system.  Please expect changes to be coming as we go into future unknowns.    We need to be careful with spending at this time. 


Service Committee:   Greg Pontsler

Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp – absent

Brad Now reports a resident complaint about social distancing in a local business.

The council is not set up to handle or take actions on these complaints.  If someone wants to make a complaint they need to contact store management and / or the health department. 

Economic Development Committee:  Brad Now

Shanes Crossing Subdivision – Lots for sale – 20% discount/ build through – December 2021.     Meeting next week to make some covenants clear on intent.

Gehle – asks that we finish the property trades with Dublin township and the Subdivision.   

Annexation of additional Fremont Property – no updates at this meeting.

Public Utilities Committee:  Dr. Means

Wastewater treatment plant – working to build some areas to help eliminate some of the odors.   We have odors twice a year while the nasty stuff rolls in the lagoons.

Dr. Means would like copied when updates are available.

Rules Committee:    Steve Gehle

Committee meeting – Tuesday at 7:30 pm

Old Business:

Questions in regards to selling the PT Cruiser ?     Communications didn’t happen.   The station is doing good.  We inherited past due bills and those have been paid.  The announcers are getting paid and we are making some upgrades to the station.  We have brought on some new underwriters.  We are making more efficient so that broadcasters can run board remotely so we can eliminate the need for additional volunteers.  Guys are doing a great job.

New Business:           

Meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm

_________________________                      _________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer.