Meeting Minutes: October 10, 2013
ROCKFORD CHAMBER MEETING Held on Thursday, October 10, 2013
In Attendance: Jane, Lisa, Twyla, Larry, Nancy, Norm, Amy, Melissa, Tara, Marty, Jennifer Donna and Karen.
Minutes were read by Karen
Correction to the Minutes: Times for the Banquet are 6:00, 6:30 AND 7:15 p.m. Lisa approved and Larry seconded that motion to approve…
Treasurer’s report was given by Lisa along with a handout. Norm approved and Twyla seconded that motion.
Rockford Alive web stats were handed out and briefly explained by Twyla.
Banquet details are coming together well. Our next meeting will be Thursday, November 7th at 8:00 a.m. for set up. Continental breakfast will be served. We will have a “fall” theme with items to be purchased from Barrys.
Lisa will let Angie and Photo Star know of the date and time…
Twyla will have a couple of table items reflecting the new website and gift certificates. A couple of these will be given as door prizes.
Business exchange will be held at Romer’s in Celina on 10/24/2013 from 8-12:30 p.m. Small business owners are to bring business cards. Twyla gave a brief explanation of what this was about.
A Christmas event was discussed and it was decided that we will have this . Calling it “ A Rockford Village Christmas” dates were discussed and the decision was Saturday, November 30th to begin at 3:00 and ending at 7:00 p.m. The Chamber will support and assist the businesses in putting this event together.
This will precede the Elvis Show to be held at the Rockford Belle. Lisa will send a press release for this event. The cost will be $10 for members and $15 for non members.
Jane mentions a flyer to handout regarding the Rockford Christmas event at the Apple Festival in Van Wert. This event to be held at the fairgrounds.
Respectfully Submitted
Karen Hollar
Chamber Secretary
The Rockford Village Christmas is Cancelled.