Meeting Minutes: October 10, 2016
November 10, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Mary Beougher at 8 am, with 5 members present.
The lack of no one showing up for meetings is causing concern – discussed different reasons why and some ideas for meeting times next year. If members are reading the minutes and have a suggestion, please feel free to contact one of the Chamber officers. Do we really need a Rockford Chamber ? It would be our goal for next year to encourage each business to send a representative to our monthly meetings. Meeting normally last 1 hour or less. Maybe have evening meetings ?
The next meeting will be held on December 8th at 8 am – Village Hall.
The Chamber received a nice thank you from Mike Schumm.
Financial review – We have not received any funds from the Sock Hop. Lisa to check with Doug. Update on the Welcome Sign. Everything is coming along. The location has been set and materials either purchased or ordered. The insert should be here by the end of the month. Agreed to donate $50 to the Parkway Drama Club for helping us out at the Chamber Banquet and the Beanfest.
Beanfest review – need to shorten event to about 2 pm. Mike Bruns and Parkway Musical is enough music . Have chili or another soup along with desserts.
Alice in Wonderland – this Saturday at 7 pm and Sunday at 3 pm.
Christmas at the Park to be held on November 27th at 7 pm — Flyer were sent to Chamber members yesterday. Colonial to donate 100 cookies. Subway to donate 100 cookies. Mary to check with Leah at The Laurels for hot chocolate donation like last year. Lisa to check with Pastor Dave about closing prayer. Nancy will check with Georgette and Jean to see if they can help serve cookies. We will need to get napkins for the cookies and some cups for the hot chocolate.
Gave each of the members present a copy of the 2017 Business Directory to review. We need to decide on changes by the next meeting in December. We will plan to print in March. The 2017 Membership investment information went out to members via email and the new deadline this year is FEBRUARY 1st.
Christmas at the Park – November 27th – bring your family & friends !!
Meeting adjourned.