Meeting Minutes: September 1, 2020

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Meeting Minutes: September 1, 2020


Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph, Tuesday, September 1, 2020,

at 7:30 pm also on Facebook live.

Invocation –   The Lord’s Prayer

Pledge of Allegiance

Those present:  Yoder, Young, Stephenson, Pontsler, Now, Heitkamp

Also attending:  Sandy Schaffner, Robbie Peel, Srgt Stetler, Dr. Means

Motion Yoder.  Second Stephenson to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Young called for the question.  Yoder = y, Stephenson = y, Young = y, Pontsler = y, Now = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Pontsler. Second Heitkamp to accept the minutes from the August 18, 2020 council meeting as presented.  Young called for the question.   Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y, Young = y, Yoder = y, Stephenson = y, Now = y.  Passes 6 yes.

Visitors to Address Council:

Dr. Means – stopped in to say Hello!   They are packing up and getting ready to move.   Thanked council for his short opportunity to serve the community. 

Council wishes them well.

Mayor’s Report and Correspondence: 

Mondays at 7:30 pm –

The Mayors Corner Radio Show — Rockford news and updates

Upcoming guests –

Received letter in congratulations to Rockford for 31 years as a Tree City !

Community Announcements and events:

August 30  – Bicentennial committee – postponed the speaking engagement of Dr. Darrell Groman, who was going to portray ‘Captain James Riley’.

Monday – September 7 – Labor Day – Village office closed

Tuesday  – September 8 – Bicentennial Committee meeting –  7 pm

•           Not Monday since Labor Day Holiday

Tuesday – September 8 – Brush pick up

Wednesdays — beginning September 8th – Drive-Thru Dinners

            Rockford United Methodist Church 4:30 – 6:30 pm

•           Note new time — Open to the public

Thursday – September 10th – Park Board Meeting – 7 pm

Rockford Chamber Small Business COVID Grant Application deadline September 15 – 4 pm

Thursday – September 17th – Rockford Chamber Board meeting – 8:30 am

Saturday – September 19th – Barn Quilt Bus Tour – ticket information coming soon.   * Limited seating *  

RSVP now $20 to 419-363-3032 ext 1 – Village Office

Saturday – September 19th – Parkway Recycle Day – till noon.

Saturday – October 3rd 9 am – 1pm – Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste Day and Steel Drop off – Mercer County Fairgrounds –

            Residential only — NO BUSINESSES

            Flyer was posted to Village Facebook and information sent

            To Photo Star and Parkway Independent.

Monday – October 5th deadline to be registered to Vote in the November election.

October –  Trick or Treat details to come —-  Main Street Planning Committee working on a Fall Fest! 

Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple

We are gearing up for a VERY IMPORTANT income survey from the community.  Jeff Long will be going door to door handing out information and giving some explanation as to what it’s for and why important.  This income survey will help us to apply for a $600,000 grant towards a new water tower.    As you may know — the old one has some problems and is over 80 year old.  We need these funds to proceed with a water tower project.   Neither Jeff, nor council, nor anyone in the village will be looking at the information.  It’s all sent to a private party for review.    Did we say — this is very important !?

Notice to residents that would like to get rid of sticks before brush day –  There is an area behind the village offices where you can bring sticks and put in a pile.  Please don’t use the GRASS CLIPPINGS ONLY area…  Thank you.

As we move into Fall it will be getting darker earlier –  please contact us if your street lights are not working properly.   If you can call the village office with the pole number even better. 

Good news – Ohio Department of Transportation will be repaving Main street.  The project goes from Mercer through Rockford to west of town.  Scheduled for

next year – estimated August 2021.

Playground equipment —  ran into a couple of issues but should be finished soon.  Almost there !

Labor Day – Splash pad will still be open.  We will leave open while it’s still warm.   Once we see a forecast of 10 – 15 days with cooler temps we will close.  Takes a day to winterize.

Trees at the park will be coming down and trees around town will be getting trimmed.

Banners – will be 1 – 2 weeks.  Thank you for being patient.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee –  Shane Young  

Motion Now.   Second Pontsler– to pay bills as presented in the amount of $14,433.42.  Stephenson called for the question.   Now = y, Pontsler = y, Stephenson = y, Yoder = y, Young = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Yoder to approve the monthly financial reports.  Second Heitkamp.  Stephenson called for the question.  Yoder = y, Heitkamp = y, Stephenson, Young = y, Pontsler = y, Now = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,

Budget vs Actual activity report, Bank reconciliation and comparison report for the water, sewer, and income tax.

Motion Heitkamp to approve supplemental appropriations to date.  Second Pontsler .  Now called for the question.  Heitkamp = y, Pontsler = y, Now = y, Yoder = y, Young = y, Stephenson = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Stephenson to approve additional purchase orders.  Second Yoder.  Heitkamp called for the question.  Stephenson =y, Yoder = y, Heitkamp = y, Yoder = y, Pontsler = y, Now = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Heitkamp to approve the following line items to be used to pay employees unused sick time and unused vacation at retirement.  Second Pontsler.  Stephenson called for the question.    Heitkamp = y, Pontsler = y, Stephenson = y, Yoder = y, Young = y, Now = y.  Passed 6 yes.

1000-390-219 – general

5101-390-219 – water

5201-390-219 – sewer

Will be going into Executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss finances.

Service Committee:   Greg Pontsler  –

Park Board meetings – 2nd Thursdays of each month at 7 pm at the Village Hall.

Will add to community events announcements.   Soccer and flag football underway at the park.

Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp –  (Mr. President)

Economic Development Committee:  Brad Now –

Shanes Crossing Subdivision – Lots for sale – 20% discount/ build through – December 2021.   

About the Subdivision – we are getting several inquiries – which is a good thing.  But we are noticing each inquiry comes with variance requests.  We have covenants for a reason and we have already made some updates this year.   We really need to adhere to the covenants as they are in place for a reason.

Took a tour of the Post Office building with owner Doug Eyink –   There are 3 very nice potential spots for businesses.  1 on Main street and 2 on Market street.   The Main street building will be kept in a historical preservation area while the other 2 can be made to fit a business.   The idea will be renting space as the buildings are not for sale. 

Motion to suspend the rules Stephenson.  Second Heitkamp.  Now called for the question.   Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y, Now = y, Yoder = y, Young = y, Pontsler = y.  Passed 6 yes.



Motion:  Stephenson.  Second Heitkamp.  Yoder called for the question.  Stephenson = y, Heitkamp = y, Yoder = y, Young = y, Pontsler = y, Now = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Public Utilities Committee:   Luke Stephenson – 

Rules Committee:    Jessica Yoder

Working on getting familiar with village ordinances. 

Old Business:

New Business:           

Finance committee meeting will be held on September 8th at 1 pm. 

Motion Heitkamp to enter into Executive Session at 8:03 pm.  Second Now.  Pontsler called for the question.   Heitkamp = y, Now =y, Pontsler = y, Yoder = y, Young = y, Stephenson = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Motion Yoder to come out of Executive session at 8:44.  Second Young.  Now called for the question.  Yoder = y, Young = y, Now = y, Stephenson = y, Pontsler = y, Heitkamp = y.  Passed 6 yes.

Action taken – none

Meeting adjourned at 8:45  pm

_________________________                      _________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer.