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Skeeter the Clown visits local Rockford daycare

Skeeter the Clown visited a local Rockford daycare advertising that the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus is coming to Shanes Park on May 29th. There will be 2 shows – 5 and 7:30 pm. Pre-sale tickets are ON SALE NOW at Barry’s Family Market, Rockford Library and the Rockford Village Hall. Adult – $10.00 Child –…
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Meeting Minutes: April 28, 2014

Bryan called the meeting to order. Quorum is met with Tom Rogers, Jeff Long, Bryan Sutton, Nancy Leighner, Greg Puthoff and Tammy Cheek. Several general members were present with Betsey Gamble as our guest speaker. Bryan read the March meeting minutes, motion to approve Nancy, Greg 2nd, all approved. Betsey Gamble Presentation – 3 Year…
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NOACC Member Health Insurance Benefits

Even with all the Health Care Reform changes you can still get a discount through Rockford Ohio Chamber of Commerce by being a member. Download the flyer below to learn of the benefits. Feel free to reach out to us with questions. [button link=”” type=”icon” newwindow=”yes”] NOACC Member Health Insurance Benefits Flyer[/button]

2014 Prom Press Release

The 2014 Parkway High School prom was held on Saturday, April 26. The theme this year was “Masquerade.” The decorations focused on a classic, elegant look. Students entered the gymnasium through a picture-frame doorway. Lining the walkway were over 150 votive candles. The ceiling featured material cascading from the center of the gymnasium to the…
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Meeting Minutes: May 8, 2014

May 9, 2014   Meeting called to order on May 8th by President Jane Cozad at 8 am.   We welcomed guest speaker Bill Steinbrunner of the American Red Cross.  He explained the need for some volunteers and advisory board members from this area.  (Marie prepared a memo that was sent to chamber members that…
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Meeting Minutes: May 6, 2014

RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:   Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.   Invocation was given by Gene Steiner   Pledge of Allegiance   Those present:  Steiner, Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp Gehle, Fox – absent Also attending:  Jeff Long, Marti Lentz, and  Amy…
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American Red Cross Volunteer Opportunities

Thanks to those who attended our Chamber meeting this morning. For those that couldn’t make it, we were fortunate to have Bill Steinbrunner from the American Red Cross come in and speak. Attached to this email are descriptions of the volunteer positions available. If you have been considering donating some time to worthy cause, consider…
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Meeting Minutes: February 24, 2014

Bryan Sutton called the meeting to order. A quorum was met, board members Dr Sell, Tom Rogers, Bryan Sutton, Greg Puthoff, Jeff Long, and Tammy Cheek were present. Several general members were present. Guests Mike Bruns and Steve Schaff. Minutes from previous meeting were approved as read, Sue Barna motioned, Greg Puthoff 2nd. Treasurer report…
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Meeting Minutes: April 15, 2014

RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS: Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall. Invocation was given by Gene Steiner Pledge of Allegiance Those present: Gehle, Steiner, Fox, Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp Also attending: Jeff Long, Nancy Leighner, Reya Beerbower and Amy K from the Daily…
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Meeting Minutes: April 10, 2014

Meeting called to order by President Jane Cozad at 8 am. The minutes from March were read and approved. Treasurer report was given. Our general fund has balance of $1811. The new web site will be costing $1700. So we really need to be watching every expense. Hopefully we get several more memberships, but they…
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