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Meeting Minutes: August 11, 2016

August 11, 2016   Mary Beougher brought the meeting to order at 8 am at the Rockford Village Hall.   Sock Hop information   * Approx $870 profit after all bills paid. * We are selling leftover hot dogs and hamburger * Considering changing the date to late September * Consider getting High School cheerleaders…
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Meeting Minutes: August 16, 2016

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:   Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.   Invocation was given by Village Administrator Jeff Long.   Pledge of Allegiance   Those present: Gehle, Rutledge, Fox, Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp     Also attending: Jeff Long, Chief…
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Meeting Minutes: August 2, 2016

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:   Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.   Invocation was given by Village Administrator Jeff Long.   Pledge of Allegiance   Those present: Gehle, Rutledge, Fox,  Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp     Also attending: Jeff Long, Chief…
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Meeting Minutes: July 19,2016

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:   Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.   Invocation was given by President John Dooley   Pledge of Allegiance   Those present: Gehle, Rutledge, Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp Fox absent   Also attending: Srgt Stetler and Claire…
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Meeting Minutes: July 5,2016

Meeting was canceled due to holiday and vacation.

Meeting Minutes: June 14, 2016

June 14,2016     Mary Beougher brought the meeting to order at 8 am at the Rockford Village Hall. There were 13 members present .   Mary introduced Lindsey Gehret. Lindsey is the new administrator at Colonial Nursing Home.   We began the meeting getting the details worked out for the August 6th Sock Hop…
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Meeting Minutes: June 21,2016

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:   Council called to order by President John Dooley on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.   Invocation was given by Jeff Long   Pledge of Allegiance   Those present: Rutledge, Pontsler, Dooley, Heitkamp Gehle and Fox absent   Also attending: Jeff Long, Srgt Stetler…
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2017 Budget Hearing – 06/21/16

2017 Budget Hearing called to order by Village Administrator, Jeff Long on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.   Present: Jeff Long, John Dooley, Greg Pontsler, Rob Rutledge, Lisa Kuhn   Budget presented as a prelimary budget that is basically the same as last year. We will begin with…
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Meeting Minutes: June 9, 2016

June 9, 2016     Mary Beougher brought the meeting to order at 8 am at the Rockford Village Hall. There were 3 members present. (Mary, Jamie and Lisa)   The Rockford Community Days – Chamber sponsored Dunk Tank will be open On Saturday – June 18th from 1 pm – 8 pm.    We have…
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Meeting Minutes: June 7, 2016

                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS:   Council called to order by Mayor Amy Joseph on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Rockford Village Hall.   Invocation was given by Jeff Long   Pledge of Allegiance   Those present: Gehle, Rutledge, Fox, Dooley, Pontsler and Heitkamp absent   Also attending: Jeff Long, Marti Lentz,…
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