Rockford Chamber Of Commerce Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Minutes: April 10, 2014

Meeting called to order by President Jane Cozad at 8 am. The minutes from March were read and approved. Treasurer report was given. Our general fund has balance of $1811. The new web site will be costing $1700. So we really need to be watching every expense. Hopefully we get several more memberships, but they…
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Meeting Minutes: March 13, 2014

Meeting called to order by President Jane Cozad at 8 am. The minutes from February were read and approved. Treasurer report was given. Motion Dan. Second Nancy. All approved. Chamber officers will be doing a Rockford Walk to visit businesses and encourage them to become chamber members. We will also note the business expo, the…
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Meeting Minutes: February 13, 2014

Jane Cozad called the meeting to order using ‘the gavel’! Minutes were read from the January meeting and approved. We are continuing our membership drive. Deadline is March 31st. We will be holding a Business Expo during Community Days on June 13th from 5:30 – 9 pm. We will again this year be giving out…
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Meeting Minutes: January 9, 2014

RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS: Chamber called to order by Chamber President Jane Cozad on Thursday January 9, 2014 at 8 am  at the Rockford Village Hall. We are currently working on our membership drive for 2014 and will be extending the deadline to March 31st, 2014.  Over $500 in promotional value all for $50 per year. 2014 Officers:…
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Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2013

Membership drive is in full swing for 2014. 2014 Officers: Lisa Kuhn – Rockford Village – Treasurer Karen Hollar – Colonial Nursing Center – Secretary Marie Miller – Brand It Marketing – Vice President Jane Cozad – The Healing Hand – President Goals for 2014 included in minutes below: RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS: Chamber called to…
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Meeting Minutes: October 10, 2013

ROCKFORD CHAMBER MEETING Held on Thursday, October 10, 2013 In Attendance: Jane, Lisa, Twyla, Larry, Nancy, Norm, Amy, Melissa, Tara, Marty, Jennifer Donna and Karen. Minutes were read by Karen Correction to the Minutes: Times for the Banquet are 6:00, 6:30 AND 7:15 p.m. Lisa approved and Larry seconded that motion to approve… Treasurer’s report…
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Meeting Minutes: February 13, 2013

7:30 a.m. Jane delivered prayer and breakfast was served. 8:00 a.m. – Jane called meeting to order. Last months minutes were read by Karen.  Minutes were appropriately approved. Lisa gave treasurer’s report:  Currently at end of January the checking is $4388.78 and savings $431.50. Paid $400.00 for the 350 project.  $545.00 insurance.  $75.00 to NOACC…
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Meeting Minutes: January 10, 2013

7:30 a.m. Chip delivered the Morning Prayer prior to our delicious breakfast. 8:00 a.m. – Jane called meeting to order with the introduction of the new officers for 2013: President – Jane Cozad, Vice-President – Jeff Long, Secretary – Karen Hollar, Treasurer – Lisa Kuhn Introductions made around the table of those present. Last months…
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Meeting Minutes: November 8, 2012

The November Rockford Chamber meeting was held on Thursday, November 8th 2012 at the Rockford Village Hall. Highlights of meeting: Dan Henkle gave a report that the Welcome to Rockford Sign project has been completed for a total of $1905.47. Special thanks: Larry Stephenson – donated metal for South sign and installed, Rockford Village Employees…
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Meeting Minutes: October 11, 2012

The October Chamber meeting was held on Thurs. Oct. 11, 2012. Highlights of the meeting to follow. Chamber Banquet will be held Nov. 1st. with various politicians invited. Mike Bruns/entertainment and Angie to cater the meal. The Ribbon cutting ceremony at New Horizons for their Day Care had a nice turn out with many Chamber…
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